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Neha Daga
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Hi Julie
I am using ChIPpeakAnno for my data. The annotation data I would like
to use Zebrafish but Zv9, though annotated data package has
I downloaded the "GTF" file for Zv9 but I am unable to convert it
into Ranged data using GFF2RangedData function since it accepts GFF
file. Therefore, I am trying to make custom annotation using the
following code.
# create a biomart object and select a mart to use
ensembl <- useDataset("drerio_gene_ensembl", mart=useMart("ensembl"))
# what kind of attributes can we retrieve?
# set the properties to extract
props <- c("ensembl_gene_id", "external_gene_id",
"transcript_biotype", "chromosome_name", "start_position",
"end_position", "strand")
# get the information
genes <- getBM(attributes=props, mart=ensembl)
# create a RangedData object with my custom annotations
myCustomAnno <- RangedData(IRanges(start=genes[,"start_position"],
end=genes[,"end_position"], names=genes[,"ensembl_gene_id"]),
space=genes[,"chromosome_name"], strand=genes[,"strand"])
But I am getting following error:
"Error in `rownames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("ENSDARG00000085528",
"ENSDARG00000087771", :
duplicate rownames not allowed"
I am unable to proceed ahead, also I very new in using this package.
Could you suggest a solution.
Neha Daga
Bioinformatics Group ( Prof. Von Mering)
Institute of Molecular Life Sciences
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich
Tel: +41 44 63 53153 (w)
+41 786376748 (m)
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