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Christian De Santis
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi Wejun,
I am new to BIOC and Pathview/Gage packages. I am analysing microarray
data from an experiment on Atlantic salmon and I am attempting to
visualize the results in Pathview, if possible.
Following up a previous thread
I have been trying to do a similar thing and I believe I have similar
limitation. As for the previous user, I have obtained KEGG Orthology
annotation using KAAS. Briefly, the principal steps of my workflow
look like the following:
> DIET12_14_KO <- read.csv("DIET12_14_KO.csv",header=T, sep=",") #
Upload the KEGG annotation file from KAAS
> DIET12_14_KO[1:3,]
ProbeName KO
1 Omy#AB024321 K04079
2 Omy#BG360545 K13506
3 Omy#BX072887 K00412
> MAlist[1:3,1:6] # Visualize my expression list
DIET14 DIET14.1 DIET14.2 DIET14.3 DIET02
Omy#AB024321 0.06296557 0.08865075 0.1186315 -0.1847021 -0.41212414
Omy#BG360545 -0.50762181 -0.35763304 -0.4939668 -0.6973216 -0.11339368
Omy#BX072887 0.23447458 0.22487856 0.3930821 0.1515031 -0.04694996
> dim(MAlist)
[1] 7955 16
> D2 <- as.matrix(DIET12_14_KO) # create the two column character
matrix for id.map argument
> D2[1:3,]
ProbeName KO
[1,] "Omy#AB024321" "K04079"
[2,] "Omy#BG360545" "K13506"
[3,] "Omy#BX072887" "K00412"
> gene.data <- mol.sum(MAlist, id.map = D2)
> gene.data [1:3,1:6]
K00006 0.7170382 0.5351467 0.1207924 0.1782242 0.228860514
K00008 -0.8112601 -0.5910453 -0.7691811 -0.1919992 -0.003848065
K00011 1.9645823 1.2305297 2.3335377 1.4813718 0.185036373
> dim(gene.data)
[1] 2449 16
I am a bit stuck here. I should now have the data in the correct
format for the pathview argument "gene.data" with genes as row and
samples as column and KO ids as row names. From my understanding, to
proceed I will now need a KO gene set data for non-model species? Or
could I use one from a close species like zebrafish?
Also, one thing I have not clear is if the gene.data should include
the expression values of all sample (i.e. biological replicates) or
the average value per treatment.
Your help will be very much appreciated.
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