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zhengyu jiang
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear Bioconductor experts,
We have data from a homemade one-channel microarray that I tried to
limma for differential expression analysis between matched paired
(N) and Tumor (Tumor) samples - 8 biological replicates (one tech
has been averaged after normalization). All samples are formatted in
matrix (M).
Signals have been quantile normalized between each paired normal and
Signal values below 5 (log scale) have been replaced by "NA" since
they are
potentially noises. So there are many NAs in M.
I followed the user manual and made the codes below.
I think the code is correct? My questions are (1) how to deal with NAs
- as
I did a search but no clear idea (2) how do people do the statistics
at the
gene level for one gene having multiple probes - averaging or taking
> head(M)
N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7
N8 T1 T2 T3
2 8.622724 7.423568 NA NA 7.487174 NA 8.516293
7.876259 7.856707 NA
T4 T5 T6 T7 T8
2 NA 7.720018 NA 7.752550 NA
> eset<-as.matrix(M)
> Pair=factor(targets$Pair)
> Treat=factor(targets$Treatment,levels=c("N","T")) # compared
normal to tumors
> design<-model.matrix(~Pair+Treat)
> targets
FilenName Pair Treatment
1 N1 1 N
2 N2 2 N
3 N3 3 N
4 N4 4 N
5 N5 5 N
6 N6 6 N
7 N7 7 N
8 N8 8 N
9 T1 1 T
10 T2 2 T
11 T3 3 T
12 T4 4 T
13 T5 5 T
14 T6 6 T
15 T7 7 T
16 T8 8 T
R=topTable(fit_pair, coef="TreatT", adjust="BH",number=30) # display
top 30
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