summarizeOverlaps with mapq filter?
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Last seen 10.1 years ago
Hi, I wonder if I could use "summarizeOverlaps" to count reads with mapping quality (or MAPQ) larger than some value, say, 30. I took the example script in the function's help to specify what function signature I want to use. I used to use "readBamGappedAlignments" to read a BAM file, and filter out reads with MAPQ less than a specified value, and use the filtered GappedAlignments object to count reads mapped on genomic features. But, I like the feature of summarizeOverlaps that I can use to read a list of BAM files. But, I do not know use the summarizeOverlaps function to use only reads with MAPQ larger than some specified value. If this is not possible currently, then I might have to create another BAM file of reads with MAPQ larger than some value and use the BAM file to count overlaps using summarizeOverlaps function. I do not like this two-step procedure. Thank you for your help! SangChul --------------------------------- library(Rsamtools) fls <- list.files(system.file("extdata",package="GenomicRanges"), recursive=TRUE, pattern="*bam$", full=TRUE) names(fls) <- basename(fls) bf <- BamFileList(fls, index=character()) features <- GRanges( seqnames = c(rep("chr2L", 4), rep("chr2R", 5), rep("chr3L", 2)), ranges = IRanges(c(1000, 3000, 4000, 7000, 2000, 3000, 3600, 4000, 7500, 5000, 5400), width=c(rep(500, 3), 600, 900, 500, 300, 900, 300, 500, 500)), "-", group_id=c(rep("A", 4), rep("B", 5), rep("C", 2))) se <- summarizeOverlaps(features, bf) --------------------------------- =============================== Sang Chul Choi Ph.D. Research Associate Sang Chul Choi (222 WRRB IAB) 902 Koyukuk Dr (PO Box 757000) 311 Irving I, University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, AK 99775-7000 Office +1-907-474-5071 Fax +1-907-474-6967 Google Phone +1-607-542-9362 ===============================
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Last seen 2.7 years ago
United States
Hi SangChul, Unfortuantely ScanBamParam() does not support filtering on specific values of the sam fields. You can subset on the TRUE/FALSE flags, such as the QC flag, ScanBamParam(flag=scanBamFlag(isNotPassingQualityControls=FALSE)) but it sounds like you really want to filter on the map quality. You could write a little a helper function to filter and count the bams. filterAndCountBam <- function(bf, features, mode, mapq_cutoff) { gal <- readGAlignments(bf, param=ScanBamParam(what="mapq")) reads <- gal[mcols(gal)$mapq > mapq_cutoff] summarizeOverlaps(features, reads, mode) } lapply'ing over the list of bam files returns a list of SummarizedExperiments. gr <- GRanges(....) lst <- lapply(bamFileList, filterAndCountBam, features=gr, mode=Union, mapq_cutoff=30) Then cbind the SummarizedExperiments together to combine counts., lst) Valerie On 07/03/2013 06:24 PM, Sang Chul Choi wrote: > Hi, > > I wonder if I could use "summarizeOverlaps" to count reads with mapping quality (or MAPQ) larger than some value, say, 30. I took the example script in the function's help to specify what function signature I want to use. I used to use "readBamGappedAlignments" to read a BAM file, and filter out reads with MAPQ less than a specified value, and use the filtered GappedAlignments object to count reads mapped on genomic features. But, I like the feature of summarizeOverlaps that I can use to read a list of BAM files. But, I do not know use the summarizeOverlaps function to use only reads with MAPQ larger than some specified value. > > If this is not possible currently, then I might have to create another BAM file of reads with MAPQ larger than some value and use the BAM file to count overlaps using summarizeOverlaps function. I do not like this two-step procedure. > > Thank you for your help! > > SangChul > > --------------------------------- > library(Rsamtools) > > fls <- list.files(system.file("extdata",package="GenomicRanges"), > recursive=TRUE, pattern="*bam$", full=TRUE) > names(fls) <- basename(fls) > bf <- BamFileList(fls, index=character()) > features <- GRanges( > seqnames = c(rep("chr2L", 4), rep("chr2R", 5), rep("chr3L", 2)), > ranges = IRanges(c(1000, 3000, 4000, 7000, 2000, 3000, 3600, > 4000, 7500, 5000, 5400), > width=c(rep(500, 3), 600, 900, 500, 300, 900, > 300, 500, 500)), "-", > group_id=c(rep("A", 4), rep("B", 5), rep("C", 2))) > > se <- summarizeOverlaps(features, bf) > --------------------------------- > > =============================== > Sang Chul Choi Ph.D. > Research Associate > > Sang Chul Choi (222 WRRB IAB) > 902 Koyukuk Dr (PO Box 757000) > 311 Irving I, University of Alaska Fairbanks > Fairbanks, AK 99775-7000 > > Office +1-907-474-5071 > Fax +1-907-474-6967 > Google Phone +1-607-542-9362 > =============================== > > _______________________________________________ > Bioconductor mailing list > Bioconductor at > > Search the archives: >
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I agree with SangChul, it would be a very nice feature if only alignments passing a certain mapq threshold could be read from a BAM file, ideally by specifying such a filter in the ScanBamParam...

I was just wondering... there is still no possibility out there? I searched for it but might have overlooked it... The two-step approach (filtering the original BAM file and saving it to a new BAM file) is time and disk-space consuming...

cheers, jo

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Johannes Rainer ★ 2.1k
Last seen 18 days ago

In case you still need it, Martin has included an appropriate parameter to the ScanBamParam. See post: Reading alignments above a mapq threshold from BAM files

cheers, jo


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