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Benedikt Drosse
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear edgeR users,
I worked my way through the user's guide of edgeR. However, I still
some questions and problems understanding the anova-like way of
analyzing differential gene expression. I would be very grateful for
help or suggestion. I hope I did not overlook any earlier post
concerning the same topic.
My RNAseq data are derived from 4 different developmental stages with
biological replicates each (see overview). I am interested in genes
differentially expressed between any of the developmental stages.
I am not sure, which way of analysis is best to answer this question.
Making the "Anova-like" model asking for all contrasts at once or
all possible contrasts one by one.
In principle the "anova-like" way of analysis should fit best to my
question, if I understood the edgeR user's guide correctly. So I make
model matrix as given in "design" and fit the glm model for the effect
of Development including the intercept. To ask for expression
differences between any of the developmental stages I use "coef=2:4"
the call of glmLRT.
So my questions are:
Will coef=2:4 yield only the contrasts of Development2-Development1,
Development3-Development1, Development4-Development1 (as it is
in the user's guide),
or will it also test the contrasts of Development3-Development2,
Development4-Development2 and Development4-Development3, which would
also be important contrasts for me to analyze?
For further filtering and candidate gene identification I would like
extract the logFoldChanges and significance level between any of the
developmental stages.
If the "anova-like" analysis provides all of the six possible
is there an easy way to extract logFC and significance level for any
these contrasts from the resulting glmLRT-output?
If the anova-like analysis does NOT yield ALL of the possible
I would have to make the contrasts one by one.
In this case would it be more useful to build the glm model without an
intercept (see design_2), and then ask for the six contrasts
as indicated in the comment of glm_data_2?
Doing so it would be easy for me to get the logFC and the
signficance level.
Is it conceptionally wrong to do the single contrasts instead of an
anova-like analysis concerning the multiple testing problem (6 tests
instead of 1)?
I will be very grateful for any comment on my questions,
Best regards,
Benedikt Digel
#R code:
overview = matrix(nrow=12, ncol=1)
overview[,1] = factor(c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4))
colnames(overview) = "Development"
rownames(overview) = paste("library_", 1:12, sep="")
design = model.matrix(object = ~Development)
fit = glmFit(y=data_with_tagwiseDISP, design=design) # I did not
provide the corresponding data for the analysis, since it should just
indicate the way I call glmFit
glm_data = glmLRT(glmfit=fit, coef=2:4)
design_2 = model.matrix(object=~0+Development)
fit_2 = glmFit(y=data_with_tagwiseDISP, design=design_2) # I
did not provide the corresponding data for the analysis, since it
just indicate the way I call glmFit
glm_data_2 = glmLRT(glmfit=fit_2, contrast=c(-1,1,0,0)) #
c(-1,0,1,0); c(-1,0,0,1); c(0,-1,1,0); c(0,1-,0,1); c(0,0,-1,1) all
possible contrasts to extract effects of all comparisons
Benedikt Digel geb. Drosse
PhD student
AG von Korff
Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research
Dept. Plant Developmental Biology
Carl-von-Linn?-Weg 10
50829 Cologne
Tel. (Office): +49-(0)221-5062-280
Email: drosse at mpipz.mpg.de