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Tiago R Magalhaes
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I have been trying to load the affy package not very sucessfully
(details of what I did bellow)
I am using a G4 Mac running the OSX Panther and I have the R version:
1.9.0. I don't know if the affy package simply won't run on the
panther OSX - I have been sucessful in installing UNIX packages in
the Mac R, but those didn't have any C code or things more complex
and I randomly know that at least one function of the affy package
(rma) has some C code.
any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much for
helping running this wonderful system and for making all these
fantastic tools available.
what I did:
packages menu and then under bioconductor I tried to download the
affy bundle that results in:
local({source(paste(getOption('BIOC'), 'getBioC.R',sep='/'),
local=TRUE); getBioC('affy', destdir=.libPaths()[1])})
it doesn't work I get an error saying that it wasn't found in any
respository (I copied the message bellow)
I also tried to download the package to my computer and tried to
install it, but unfortunately it doesn't install either:
finally, when I installed BioConductor I had gotten some error
messages as well: I reproduce some of them
error installing the Affy package from the Menu Package =>
BioConductor => AffyBundle:
[1] "Attempting to download affy from
http://www.bioconductor.org/repository/release1.4/package/Source" [1]
"Download complete." [1] "Installing affy" Note: Package affy not
found in any known repository. Note: Package affydata not found in
any known repository. [1] "Attempting to download affyPLM from
http://www.bioconductor.org/repository/release1.4/package/Source" [1]
"Download complete." [1] "Installing affyPLM" [1] "Attempting to
download matchprobes from
http://www.bioconductor.org/repository/release1.4/package/Source" [1]
"Download complete." [1] "Installing matchprobes" Note: You did not
specify a download type. Using a default value of: Source This will
be fine for almost all users
error when trying to install the affy package from the local disk:
> install.from.file() npackage installation failed
(one of the errors I got when trying to install BioConductor):
previously I installed BioConductor and I also got may of those
warnings (I copy here one of them)
[1] "Installing XML" Note: Package XML not found in any known
repository. Note: You did not specify a download type. Using a
default value of: Source This will be fine for almost all users
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