Hi Sam,
First, please always give us the results of sessionInfo(). This is
especially critical in the case of ReportingTools, which has been
fundamentally altered between the previous and current versions of
On 6/19/2013 11:12 AM, Sam McInturf wrote:
> Bioconductors,
> I am working on a RNA seq analysis project and am having
> publishing an HTML report for it. I am unsure of how to make my DE
> have the same ID as what publish() will accept when passing an
argument to
> 'annotation'.
> I mapped the reads using tophat and passed the TAIR 10 gtf file
to the
> -G option. When i counted my reads I used the summarizeOverlaps
> from GenomicRanges and again used this same file. I called
> expression in edgeR using the GLM methods. So the rownames of my
DE table
> are the AGI identifiers (AT#G#####). I loaded the org.At.tair.db
> annotations and passed it to HTMLReport in:
> publish(DGELists[["Roots"]], myHTML, countTable = cpmMat, conditions
> group, annotation = "org.At.tair.db", pvaueCutoff = 0.01, lfc =2, n
= 1000,
> name = "RootsLRT")
> Error: More than half of your IDs could not be mapped.
> In addition: Warning message:
> In .DGELRT.to.data.frame(object, ...) : NAs introduced by coercion
> which makes sense, because publish() is looking for Entrez IDs
> How do I proceed?
Here I assume you are running R-3.0.x and the current release of BioC.
When you run publish() on anything but a data.frame, the first step is
to coerce to a data.frame using a set of assumptions that might not
in your case (or there may be defaults that you don't like). Because
this, I tend to just coerce to a data.frame myself and then publish()
that directly. This also allows you to pass in arguments to .modifyDF
which is kind of sweet.
In the case of a DGELRT or DEGExact object, there is a 'genes' slot
will be used to annotate the output of topTags(). Ideally you would
add the annotation you want to that slot first. So you could do
something like
annot <- select(org.At.tair.db, DGELists[["Roots"]]$genes[,<tair column="" goes="" here="">], c("SYMBOL","GENENAME","OTHERSTUFF"))
and then put that in your DGEobjects. Now you can do something like
outlst <- lapply(DGELists, topTags, otherargsgohere)
htmlst <- lapply(seq_len(length(DGELists)) function(x)
HTMLReport(namevector[x], titlevector[x], otherargs))
and you can define a function similar to this function I use for
Gene IDs:
entrezLinks <- function (df, ...){
df$ENTREZID <- hwriter::hwrite(as.character(df$ENTREZID),
link = paste0("
table = FALSE)
but modified for the Tair equivalent and then
lapply(seq_len(length(htmlst)), function(x) publish(outlst[[x]],
htmlst[[x]], .modifyDF = samsTairLinkFun)))
lapply(htmlst, finish)
et voila!
You can also then use htmlst to make a bunch of links in an index.html
indx <- HTMLReport("index", "A bunch of links for this expt",
reportDirectory=".", baseUrl = "")
publish(hwriter::hwrite("Here are links", page(indx), header=2,
br=TRUE), indx)
publish(Link(htmlst, report=indx), indx)
> Thanks in advance!
James W. MacDonald, M.S.
University of Washington
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
4225 Roosevelt Way NE, # 100
Seattle WA 98105-6099