About the DiffBind dba.count() crash problems
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Last seen 10.1 years ago
Dear Dr. Brown, I asked the questions earlier regarding the DiffBind last week. I have versioned up to R3.0.1 and Bioconductor 2.12, and I checked to see how DiffBind 1.6.2 works. But the dba.count() still crashes in the bed data and I attached the logs of the bed data below. Since the versioned up DiffBind 1.6.2 output the GEO DATA as an Alignment Data Sample, I downloaded the data and I checked to see what that is. And I found that the BWA bam files were created. I converted the fastq data on Th2 immune cells to bam files and I checked to see how it works. And finally, I could obtain the dba.report (). Thank you very much for all your advice and I really appreciate for your kindness. My Best Regards, Ken Tanaka ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------ > sessionInfo() R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16) Platform: x86_64-suse-linux-gnu (64-bit) locale: [1] C attached base packages: [1] parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods [8] base other attached packages: [1] DiffBind_1.6.2 Biobase_2.20.0 GenomicRanges_1.12.4 [4] IRanges_1.18.1 BiocGenerics_0.6.0 loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] RColorBrewer_1.0-5 amap_0.8-7 edgeR_3.2.3 gdata_2.12. 0.2 [5] gplots_2.11.0.1 gtools_2.7.1 limma_3.16.5 stats4_3.0. 1 [9] zlibbioc_1.6.0 > th2 = dba(sampleSheet="th2diffbind.csv") GATA3_Ab GATA3_Ab Th2 Resistant Full_Media 1 macs H3K4me3 H3K4me3 Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs H3K9Ac H3K9Ac Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs > th2 3 Samples, 16806 sites in matrix (35676 total): ID Tissue Factor Condition Treatment Replicate Peak.caller 1 GATA3_Ab GATA3_Ab Th2 Resistant Full_Media 1 macs 2 H3K4me3 H3K4me3 Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs 3 H3K9Ac H3K9Ac Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs Intervals 1 464 2 25875 3 32569 > th2 = dba.count(th2,minOverlap=3, bParallel=F) Sample: databed/Th2_GATA3_Ab.bed.gz *** caught segfault *** address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped' Traceback: 1: .Call("croi_load_reads", as.character(bamfile), as.integer( insertLength)) 2: pv.getCounts(job, bed, insertLength, bWithoutDupes = bWithoutDupes, bLowMem, yieldSize, mode, singleEnd, scanbamparam) 3: pv.listadd(results, pv.getCounts(job, bed, insertLength, bWithoutDupes = bWithoutDupes, bLowMem, yieldSize, mode, singleEnd, scanbamparam)) 4: pv.counts(DBA, peaks = peaks, minOverlap = minOverlap, defaultScore = score, bLog = bLog, insertLength = insertLength, bOnlyCounts = T, bCalledMasks = bCalledMasks, minMaxval = filter, bParallel = bParallel, bUseLast = bUseLast, bWithoutDupes = bRemoveDuplicates, bScaleControl = bScaleControl, filterFun = filterFun, bLowMem = bLowMem) 5: dba.count(th2, minOverlap = 3, bParallel = F) Possible actions: 1: abort (with core dump, if enabled) 2: normal R exit 3: exit R without saving workspace 4: exit R saving workspace Selection: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------ # cat th2diffbind.csv SampleID,Tissue,Factor,Condition,Treatment,Replicate,bamReads,bamContr ol, ControlID,Peaks,PeakCaller,PeakFormat GATA3_Ab,GATA3_Ab,Th2,Resistant,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_GATA3_Ab.bed. gz, databed/Th2_WCE.bed.gz,Th2_WCE_Control,peaks/GATA3_Ab_peaks.xls,macs, macs H3K4me3,H3K4me3,Th2,Responsive,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_WT_anti_H3K4me 3. bed.gz,databed/Th2_WT_input.bed.gz,Th2_WT_Control,peaks/H3K4me3_peaks. xls,macs,macs H3K9Ac,H3K9Ac,Th2,Responsive,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_WT_anti_H3K9Ac.b ed. gz,databed/Th2_WT_input.bed.gz,Th2_WT_Control,peaks/H3K9Ac_peaks.xls, macs,macs #zmore Th2_GATA3_Ab.bed.gz |head ------> Th2_GATA3_Ab.bed.gz <------ chrY 28285 28404 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 chrY 28363 28482 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 chrY 28466 28585 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 chrY 30469 30588 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 chrY 99937 100056 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 chrY 114597 114716 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 chrY 269098 269217 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 chrY 269773 269892 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 chrY 410005 410124 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 # head -30 GATA3_Ab_peaks.xls # This file is generated by MACS version 1.4.2 20120305 # ARGUMENTS LIST: # name = GATA3_Ab # format = BED # ChIP-seq file = ../databed/Tst_GATA3_Ab.bed # control file = ../databed/Tst_WCE.bed # effective genome size = 1.87e+09 # band width = 300 # model fold = 10,30 # pvalue cutoff = 1.00e-05 # Large dataset will be scaled towards smaller dataset. # Range for calculating regional lambda is: 1000 bps and 10000 bps # tag size is determined as 119 bps # total tags in treatment: 353649 # tags after filtering in treatment: 353649 # maximum duplicate tags at the same position in treatment = 1 # Redundant rate in treatment: 0.00 # total tags in control: 481971 # tags after filtering in control: 481971 # maximum duplicate tags at the same position in control = 1 # Redundant rate in control: 0.00 # d = 200 chr start end length summit tags -10*log10(pvalue) fold_enrichment FDR(%) chr1 3704028 3704311 284 142 4 53.27 19.47 13.74 chr1 3787290 3787781 492 299 4 69.45 68.14 10.89 chr1 5694647 5695942 1296 189 11 104.10 25.55 8.33 chr1 5794055 5794296 242 121 4 85.91 38.94 4.17 chr1 6125574 6126093 520 337 7 56.83 16.22 13.71 chr1 6444066 6445227 1162 558 19 63.10 10.22 14.29 ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- Original Message ----- > Hi, Ken, > > This bug is fixed in the current version of DiffBind, so if you upgrade, > it should go away. If upgrading is not feasible, ensure that the bed > files all have 6 columns to work around the bug. > > Cheers, > > - Gord > > > >Message: 23 > >Date: Sat, 25 May 2013 16:55:00 +0900 > >From: <kentanaka at="" chiba-u.jp=""> > >To: <bioconductor at="" r-project.org=""> > >Subject: [BioC] About the DiffBind dba.count() crash problems > >Message-ID: <20130525075500.0000701E.0473 at chiba-u.jp> > >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 > > > >Hi, I'm Ken Tanaka. > > > >I'm currently interested in analyzing the DiffBind analysis by using the > >ChIP-seq data from Th2 immune cell samples. > > > >To be more specific, I would like to analyze this data (GSE28292) by > >using DiffBind analysis. > > > >I have questions regarding the dba.count(). > >When I execute the dba.count(), it crashes. > > > >The bed data which I'm using doesn't include the 6th strand column. > >So, I suppose the crash problem doesn't originate from the problems > >regarding the columns. > > > >I would like to know how to modify the bed data which the DiffBind can > >read the bed file specifications. > >If you can inform me of these DiffBind bed file specifications which can > >read the bed data, I think I will be able to make the perl script for > >conversions. > >So, could you kindly please let me know of these DiffBind bed file > >specifications which can read the bed data? > > > >I attached below the data and logs which I used for this analysis as > >follows. > > > >My Best Regards, > >Ken Tanaka > > > >---------------------------------------------------------------- > ># ChIP-seq bed data files. > >GSM773482_Th2_GATA3_Ab.bed.gz > >GSM773480_Th2_control_Ab.bed.gz > >GSM773484_Th2_WCE.bed.gz (The 2 bed files listed above are the > >controls.) > > > >GSM773486_Th2_WT_anti_H3K27me3.bed.gz > >GSM773490_Th2_WT_anti_H3K9Ac.bed.gz > >GSM773492_Th2_WT_anti_H3K4me3.bed.gz > >GSM773488_Th2_WT_input.bed.gz (The 3 bed files listed above are the > >controls.) > > > > > ># macs14 1.4.2 20120305 peak calling output files. > >GATA3_Ab_peaks.bed > >control_Ab_peaks.bed > > > >H3K27me3_peaks.bed > >H3K4me3_peaks.bed > >H3K9Ac_peaks.bed > > > > > ># DiffBind sampleSheet file. > >%cat th2diffbind.csv > >SampleID,Tissue,Factor,Condition,Treatment,Replicate,bamReads, bamControl, > >ControlID,Peaks,PeakCaller,PeakFormat > >GATA3_Ab,GATA3_Ab,Th2,Resistant,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_GATA3_Ab.b ed. gz, > >databed/Th2_WCE.bed.gz,Th2_WCE_Control,peaks/GATA3_Ab_peaks.bed,macs, raw > >control_Ab,control_Ab,Th2,Resistant,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_control_ Ab. > >bed.gz,databed/Th2_WCE.bed.gz,Th2_WCE_Control,peaks/control_Ab_peaks. bed, > >macs,raw > >H3K27me3,H3K27me3,Th2,Responsive,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_WT_anti_ > >H3K27me3.bed.gz,databed/Th2_WT_input.bed.gz,Th2_WT_Control,peaks/ > >H3K27me3_peaks.bed,macs,raw > >H3K4me3,H3K4me3,Th2,Responsive,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_WT_anti_ H3K4me3. > >bed.gz,databed/Th2_WT_input.bed.gz,Th2_WT_Control,peaks/H3K4me3_pea ks. > >bed,macs,raw > >H3K9Ac,H3K9Ac,Th2,Responsive,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_WT_anti_H3K9Ac. bed. > >gz,databed/Th2_WT_input.bed.gz,Th2_WT_Control,peaks/H3K9Ac_peaks.bed, > >macs,raw > > > > > > > > > >> th2 = dba(sampleSheet="th2diffbind.csv") > >GATA3_Ab GATA3_Ab Th2 Resistant Full_Media 1 macs > >control_Ab control_Ab Th2 Resistant Full_Media 1 macs > >H3K27me3 H3K27me3 Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs > >H3K4me3 H3K4me3 Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs > >H3K9Ac H3K9Ac Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs > >> > >> #th2 > >> #str(th2) > >> #plot(th2) > >> > >> # peaks counting reads > >> #th2 = dba.count(th2, bParallel=F) > >> th2 = dba.count(th2,minOverlap=3, bParallel=F) > >Sample: databed/Th2_GATA3_Ab.bed.gz > > > > *** caught segfault *** > >address 0x10, cause 'memory not mapped' > > > >Traceback: > > 1: .Call("croi_load_reads", as.character(bamfile), as.integer( > >insertLength)) > > 2: pv.getCounts(job, bed, insertLength, bWithoutDupes = bWithoutDupes) > > 3: pv.listadd(results, pv.getCounts(job, bed, insertLength, > >bWithoutDupes = bWithoutDupes)) > > 4: pv.counts(DBA, peaks = peaks, minOverlap = minOverlap, defaultScore > >= score, bLog = bLog, insertLength = insertLength, bOnlyCounts = T, > > bCalledMasks = bCalledMasks, minMaxval = maxFilter, bParallel = > >bParallel, bUseLast = bUseLast, bWithoutDupes = bRemoveDuplicates, > >bScaleControl = bScaleControl) > > 5: dba.count(th2, minOverlap = 3, bParallel = F) > > > >Possible actions: > >1: abort (with core dump, if enabled) > >2: normal R exit > >3: exit R without saving workspace > >4: exit R saving workspace > >Selection: 1 > > > > > > > >> sessionInfo() > >R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) > >Platform: x86_64-suse-linux-gnu (64-bit) > > > >locale: > > [1] LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C > > [3] LC_TIME=ja_JP.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=ja_JP.UTF-8 > > [5] LC_MONETARY=ja_JP.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=ja_JP.UTF-8 > > [7] LC_PAPER=C LC_NAME=C > > [9] LC_ADDRESS=C LC_TELEPHONE=C > >[11] LC_MEASUREMENT=ja_JP.UTF-8 LC_IDENTIFICATION=C > > > >attached base packages: > >[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base > > > >other attached packages: > >[1] DiffBind_1.4.2 Biobase_2.18.0 GenomicRanges_1.10.7 > >[4] IRanges_1.16.6 BiocGenerics_0.4.0 > > > >loaded via a namespace (and not attached): > > [1] RColorBrewer_1.0-5 amap_0.8-7 edgeR_3.0.8 gdata_2. 12. > >0 > > [5] gplots_2.11.0 gtools_2.7.0 limma_3.14.4 parallel_2. > >15.2 > > [9] stats4_2.15.2 zlibbioc_1.4.0 > >> > >--------------------------------------------------------------------- --- > >--------- > > > >-------------------------------------- > >Ken Tanaka > >MD-PhD Candidate > >Chiba University Medical School > > > > > > > >------------------------------ > > > >_______________________________________________ > >Bioconductor mailing list > >Bioconductor at r-project.org > >https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/bioconductor > > > > > >End of Bioconductor Digest, Vol 123, Issue 26 > >********************************************* > >
GO DiffBind GO DiffBind • 2.1k views
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Gord Brown ▴ 670
Last seen 3.7 years ago
United Kingdom
Dear Ken, Thanks for the bug report. Can you share your bed files with me (maybe just the first 100 lines or so of each) so I can try to reproduce this bug? It must be a different one from the previous bed reading bug. Thanks, - Gord On 2013-06-06 23:50, "kentanaka at chiba-u.jp" <kentanaka at="" chiba-u.jp=""> wrote: >Dear Dr. Brown, > >I asked the questions earlier regarding the DiffBind last week. > >I have versioned up to R3.0.1 and Bioconductor 2.12, and I checked to >see how DiffBind 1.6.2 works. But the dba.count() still crashes in the >bed data and I attached the logs of the bed data below. > >Since the versioned up DiffBind 1.6.2 output the GEO DATA as an >Alignment Data Sample, I downloaded the data and I checked to see what >that is. And I found that the BWA bam files were created. > >I converted the fastq data on Th2 immune cells to bam files and I >checked to see how it works. And finally, I could obtain the dba.report >(). > >Thank you very much for all your advice and I really appreciate for your >kindness. > >My Best Regards, >Ken Tanaka > >--------------------------------------------------------------------- --- >------------------------ >> sessionInfo() >R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16) >Platform: x86_64-suse-linux-gnu (64-bit) > >locale: >[1] C > >attached base packages: >[1] parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods >[8] base > >other attached packages: >[1] DiffBind_1.6.2 Biobase_2.20.0 GenomicRanges_1.12.4 >[4] IRanges_1.18.1 BiocGenerics_0.6.0 > >loaded via a namespace (and not attached): >[1] RColorBrewer_1.0-5 amap_0.8-7 edgeR_3.2.3 gdata_2.12. >0.2 >[5] gplots_2.11.0.1 gtools_2.7.1 limma_3.16.5 stats4_3.0. >1 >[9] zlibbioc_1.6.0 > > >> th2 = dba(sampleSheet="th2diffbind.csv") >GATA3_Ab GATA3_Ab Th2 Resistant Full_Media 1 macs >H3K4me3 H3K4me3 Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs >H3K9Ac H3K9Ac Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs > > >> th2 >3 Samples, 16806 sites in matrix (35676 total): > ID Tissue Factor Condition Treatment Replicate Peak.caller >1 GATA3_Ab GATA3_Ab Th2 Resistant Full_Media 1 macs >2 H3K4me3 H3K4me3 Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs >3 H3K9Ac H3K9Ac Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs > Intervals >1 464 >2 25875 >3 32569 > > >> th2 = dba.count(th2,minOverlap=3, bParallel=F) >Sample: databed/Th2_GATA3_Ab.bed.gz > > *** caught segfault *** >address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped' > >Traceback: > 1: .Call("croi_load_reads", as.character(bamfile), as.integer( >insertLength)) > 2: pv.getCounts(job, bed, insertLength, bWithoutDupes = bWithoutDupes, > bLowMem, yieldSize, mode, singleEnd, scanbamparam) > 3: pv.listadd(results, pv.getCounts(job, bed, insertLength, >bWithoutDupes = bWithoutDupes, bLowMem, yieldSize, mode, singleEnd, >scanbamparam)) > 4: pv.counts(DBA, peaks = peaks, minOverlap = minOverlap, defaultScore >= score, bLog = bLog, insertLength = insertLength, bOnlyCounts = T, > bCalledMasks = bCalledMasks, minMaxval = filter, bParallel = >bParallel, bUseLast = bUseLast, bWithoutDupes = bRemoveDuplicates, >bScaleControl = bScaleControl, filterFun = filterFun, bLowMem = >bLowMem) > 5: dba.count(th2, minOverlap = 3, bParallel = F) > >Possible actions: >1: abort (with core dump, if enabled) >2: normal R exit >3: exit R without saving workspace >4: exit R saving workspace >Selection: > >--------------------------------------------------------------------- --- >------------------------ > ># cat th2diffbind.csv >SampleID,Tissue,Factor,Condition,Treatment,Replicate,bamReads,bamCont rol, >ControlID,Peaks,PeakCaller,PeakFormat >GATA3_Ab,GATA3_Ab,Th2,Resistant,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_GATA3_Ab.bed .gz, >databed/Th2_WCE.bed.gz,Th2_WCE_Control,peaks/GATA3_Ab_peaks.xls,macs, >macs >H3K4me3,H3K4me3,Th2,Responsive,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_WT_anti_H3K4m e3. >bed.gz,databed/Th2_WT_input.bed.gz,Th2_WT_Control,peaks/H3K4me3_peaks . >xls,macs,macs >H3K9Ac,H3K9Ac,Th2,Responsive,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_WT_anti_H3K9Ac. bed. >gz,databed/Th2_WT_input.bed.gz,Th2_WT_Control,peaks/H3K9Ac_peaks.xls, >macs,macs > > >#zmore Th2_GATA3_Ab.bed.gz |head >------> Th2_GATA3_Ab.bed.gz <------ >chrY 28285 28404 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 >chrY 28363 28482 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 >chrY 28466 28585 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 >chrY 30469 30588 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 >chrY 99937 100056 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 >chrY 114597 114716 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 >chrY 269098 269217 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 >chrY 269773 269892 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 >chrY 410005 410124 Th2_GATA3_Ab 1 > > ># head -30 GATA3_Ab_peaks.xls ># This file is generated by MACS version 1.4.2 20120305 ># ARGUMENTS LIST: ># name = GATA3_Ab ># format = BED ># ChIP-seq file = ../databed/Tst_GATA3_Ab.bed ># control file = ../databed/Tst_WCE.bed ># effective genome size = 1.87e+09 ># band width = 300 ># model fold = 10,30 ># pvalue cutoff = 1.00e-05 ># Large dataset will be scaled towards smaller dataset. ># Range for calculating regional lambda is: 1000 bps and 10000 bps ># tag size is determined as 119 bps ># total tags in treatment: 353649 ># tags after filtering in treatment: 353649 ># maximum duplicate tags at the same position in treatment = 1 ># Redundant rate in treatment: 0.00 ># total tags in control: 481971 ># tags after filtering in control: 481971 ># maximum duplicate tags at the same position in control = 1 ># Redundant rate in control: 0.00 ># d = 200 >chr start end length summit tags -10*log10(pvalue) >fold_enrichment FDR(%) >chr1 3704028 3704311 284 142 4 53.27 19.47 13.74 >chr1 3787290 3787781 492 299 4 69.45 68.14 10.89 >chr1 5694647 5695942 1296 189 11 104.10 25.55 8.33 >chr1 5794055 5794296 242 121 4 85.91 38.94 4.17 >chr1 6125574 6126093 520 337 7 56.83 16.22 13.71 >chr1 6444066 6445227 1162 558 19 63.10 10.22 14.29 > >------------------------------ >------------------------------------------------------------------ > >----- Original Message ----- >> Hi, Ken, >> >> This bug is fixed in the current version of DiffBind, so if you >upgrade, >> it should go away. If upgrading is not feasible, ensure that the bed >> files all have 6 columns to work around the bug. >> >> Cheers, >> >> - Gord >> >> >> >Message: 23 >> >Date: Sat, 25 May 2013 16:55:00 +0900 >> >From: <kentanaka at="" chiba-u.jp=""> >> >To: <bioconductor at="" r-project.org=""> >> >Subject: [BioC] About the DiffBind dba.count() crash problems >> >Message-ID: <20130525075500.0000701E.0473 at chiba-u.jp> >> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 >> > >> >Hi, I'm Ken Tanaka. >> > >> >I'm currently interested in analyzing the DiffBind analysis by using >the >> >ChIP-seq data from Th2 immune cell samples. >> > >> >To be more specific, I would like to analyze this data (GSE28292) by >> >using DiffBind analysis. >> > >> >I have questions regarding the dba.count(). >> >When I execute the dba.count(), it crashes. >> > >> >The bed data which I'm using doesn't include the 6th strand column. >> >So, I suppose the crash problem doesn't originate from the problems >> >regarding the columns. >> > >> >I would like to know how to modify the bed data which the DiffBind >can >> >read the bed file specifications. >> >If you can inform me of these DiffBind bed file specifications which >can >> >read the bed data, I think I will be able to make the perl script for >> >conversions. >> >So, could you kindly please let me know of these DiffBind bed file >> >specifications which can read the bed data? >> > >> >I attached below the data and logs which I used for this analysis as >> >follows. >> > >> >My Best Regards, >> >Ken Tanaka >> > >> >---------------------------------------------------------------- >> ># ChIP-seq bed data files. >> >GSM773482_Th2_GATA3_Ab.bed.gz >> >GSM773480_Th2_control_Ab.bed.gz >> >GSM773484_Th2_WCE.bed.gz (The 2 bed files listed above are the >> >controls.) >> > >> >GSM773486_Th2_WT_anti_H3K27me3.bed.gz >> >GSM773490_Th2_WT_anti_H3K9Ac.bed.gz >> >GSM773492_Th2_WT_anti_H3K4me3.bed.gz >> >GSM773488_Th2_WT_input.bed.gz (The 3 bed files listed above are the >> >controls.) >> > >> > >> ># macs14 1.4.2 20120305 peak calling output files. >> >GATA3_Ab_peaks.bed >> >control_Ab_peaks.bed >> > >> >H3K27me3_peaks.bed >> >H3K4me3_peaks.bed >> >H3K9Ac_peaks.bed >> > >> > >> ># DiffBind sampleSheet file. >> >%cat th2diffbind.csv >> >SampleID,Tissue,Factor,Condition,Treatment,Replicate,bamReads, >bamControl, >> >ControlID,Peaks,PeakCaller,PeakFormat >> >GATA3_Ab,GATA3_Ab,Th2,Resistant,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_GATA3_Ab. bed. >gz, >> >databed/Th2_WCE.bed.gz,Th2_WCE_Control,peaks/GATA3_Ab_peaks.bed,macs, >raw >> >control_Ab,control_Ab,Th2,Resistant,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_control_ >Ab. >> >bed.gz,databed/Th2_WCE.bed.gz,Th2_WCE_Control,peaks/control_Ab_peaks. >bed, >> >macs,raw >> >H3K27me3,H3K27me3,Th2,Responsive,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_WT_anti_ >> >H3K27me3.bed.gz,databed/Th2_WT_input.bed.gz,Th2_WT_Control,peaks/ >> >H3K27me3_peaks.bed,macs,raw >> >H3K4me3,H3K4me3,Th2,Responsive,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_WT_anti_ >H3K4me3. >> >bed.gz,databed/Th2_WT_input.bed.gz,Th2_WT_Control,peaks/H3K4me3_pe aks. >> >bed,macs,raw >> >H3K9Ac,H3K9Ac,Th2,Responsive,Full_Media,1,databed/Th2_WT_anti_H3K9Ac. >bed. >> >gz,databed/Th2_WT_input.bed.gz,Th2_WT_Control,peaks/H3K9Ac_peaks.bed, >> >macs,raw >> > >> > >> > >> > >> >> th2 = dba(sampleSheet="th2diffbind.csv") >> >GATA3_Ab GATA3_Ab Th2 Resistant Full_Media 1 macs >> >control_Ab control_Ab Th2 Resistant Full_Media 1 macs >> >H3K27me3 H3K27me3 Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs >> >H3K4me3 H3K4me3 Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs >> >H3K9Ac H3K9Ac Th2 Responsive Full_Media 1 macs >> >> >> >> #th2 >> >> #str(th2) >> >> #plot(th2) >> >> >> >> # peaks counting reads >> >> #th2 = dba.count(th2, bParallel=F) >> >> th2 = dba.count(th2,minOverlap=3, bParallel=F) >> >Sample: databed/Th2_GATA3_Ab.bed.gz >> > >> > *** caught segfault *** >> >address 0x10, cause 'memory not mapped' >> > >> >Traceback: >> > 1: .Call("croi_load_reads", as.character(bamfile), as.integer( >> >insertLength)) >> > 2: pv.getCounts(job, bed, insertLength, bWithoutDupes = >bWithoutDupes) >> > 3: pv.listadd(results, pv.getCounts(job, bed, insertLength, >> >bWithoutDupes = bWithoutDupes)) >> > 4: pv.counts(DBA, peaks = peaks, minOverlap = minOverlap, >defaultScore >> >= score, bLog = bLog, insertLength = insertLength, bOnlyCounts = >T, >> > bCalledMasks = bCalledMasks, minMaxval = maxFilter, bParallel = >> >bParallel, bUseLast = bUseLast, bWithoutDupes = bRemoveDuplicates, >> >bScaleControl = bScaleControl) >> > 5: dba.count(th2, minOverlap = 3, bParallel = F) >> > >> >Possible actions: >> >1: abort (with core dump, if enabled) >> >2: normal R exit >> >3: exit R without saving workspace >> >4: exit R saving workspace >> >Selection: 1 >> > >> > >> > >> >> sessionInfo() >> >R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) >> >Platform: x86_64-suse-linux-gnu (64-bit) >> > >> >locale: >> > [1] LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C >> > [3] LC_TIME=ja_JP.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=ja_JP.UTF-8 >> > [5] LC_MONETARY=ja_JP.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=ja_JP.UTF-8 >> > [7] LC_PAPER=C LC_NAME=C >> > [9] LC_ADDRESS=C LC_TELEPHONE=C >> >[11] LC_MEASUREMENT=ja_JP.UTF-8 LC_IDENTIFICATION=C >> > >> >attached base packages: >> >[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base >> > >> >other attached packages: >> >[1] DiffBind_1.4.2 Biobase_2.18.0 GenomicRanges_1.10.7 >> >[4] IRanges_1.16.6 BiocGenerics_0.4.0 >> > >> >loaded via a namespace (and not attached): >> > [1] RColorBrewer_1.0-5 amap_0.8-7 edgeR_3.0.8 gdata_2. >12. >> >0 >> > [5] gplots_2.11.0 gtools_2.7.0 limma_3.14.4 >parallel_2. >> >15.2 >> > [9] stats4_2.15.2 zlibbioc_1.4.0 >> >> >> >--------------------------------------------------------------------- >--- >> >--------- >> > >> >-------------------------------------- >> >Ken Tanaka >> >MD-PhD Candidate >> >Chiba University Medical School >> > >> > >> > >> >------------------------------ >> > >> >_______________________________________________ >> >Bioconductor mailing list >> >Bioconductor at r-project.org >> >https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/bioconductor >> > >> > >> >End of Bioconductor Digest, Vol 123, Issue 26 >> >********************************************* >> >> > >

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