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Arnaud Mounier
Last seen 9.0 years ago
I try to annotate a blastp result (not so much, just 270 query) with
org.At.tair.db from AnnotationDBi package throw bioconductor.
First I read blast output with RFLPtools :
> df.blast.report <- read.blast(file = f.blast.report)
> head(df.blast.report)
query.id subject.id identity alignment.length mismatches
gap.opens q.start q.end s.start s.end evalue bit.score
1 medtr8g018420.1 AT1G55020.1 59.77 860 314
9 9 856 20 859 0 1058
2 medtr8g018420.1 AT3G22400.1 56.16 869 344
10 9 856 34 886 0 1004
3 medtr8g018420.1 AT1G72520.1 45.19 821 433
10 45 856 114 926 0 729
The subject ID have version number (.1 or .2) and the original
ATH_GO_GOSLIM.txt from tair site two. But this version number is not
present in the org.At.tait.dbTAIR :
> head(keys(org.At.tair.db, keytype="TAIR"))
[1] "AT1G01010" "AT1G01020" "AT1G01030" "AT1G01040" "AT1G01050"
* Is this relevant or can I annotate without taking care of the
number ?
Does Org.At.tair.db keep the version number elsewhere ?
Because the source file for this package
store it initialy.
* As the query must be selected in function of her subjects
and GO.db, I want to merge all info (blast report, org.At.tair.db +
GO.db) in one db with a bioconductor package (annotationForge
So, is there a package or a GNU script to manage this association
or do i wrote my own R scripts ?
Any links are welcomes !
Thank's in advance,
? Le soleil filtre ? travers les branches des arbres par ?clairs,
le sens ? travers la langue. ?
Nancy Huston
Arnaud Mounier
INRA - UMR Agro?cologie 1347
CNRS - ERL IPM 6300 (Plant-Microorganism Interaction)
17, rue Sully - BP 86510 - F-21065 Dijon Cedex - France
Work phone : +33 380 693 167 - Fax : +33 380 693 753