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Julien Bauer
Last seen 10.4 years ago
I just getting started with bioconductor, so my question might be easy
I have a problem with the read.marrayRaw method. We are not using
anymore, we use a new software call BlueFuse .
It allow us to save a lot of time as it got a really good method to
find the
spot and automatically remove the background. It create two new
"clean" tif
files as well. My problem come after inputting data using marrayLayout
, if
I take all the data in and then create a marrayRaw I can't find a way
remove afterwards the bad flagged spots or the negative control or the
spots (which have specific id for the controls or a tag "yes" or "no"
bad flagged (yes means bad flagged). If I removed them before
inputting the
data I get a error when using read.marrayRaw:
Error in "[<-"(`*tmp*`, , f, value = as.matrix(dat[, name.Gf])) :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement
I guess it have something to do with the layout and some missing
values in
block, column...
Any idea?
Julien Bauer, Bioinformatics Research Assistant
Micro Array Group
Department of Pathology
University of Cambridge, Tennis Court Road
Cambridge CB2 1QP UK
mailto: jb393@cam.ac.uk