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Binita Dutta
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear All,
I have done single channel normalization for 8 arrays.
Sl.No. Slide.Name Cy5 Cy3
1 1 2003110429 J 2 0min J2 30min
2 2 2003110430 J2 0min J3 0min
3 3 2003110431 J2 30min J3 30min
4 4 2003110432 J3 0min J3 30min
5 5 2003110433 J2 30min J2 0min
6 6 2003110434 J3 0min J2 0min
7 7 2003110435 J3 30min J2 30min
8 8 2003110436 J3 30min J3 0min
Can we used the normalized intensities (red and green channel) instead
normalized MA, to determine differentially expressed genes with design
matrix similar to what we use for analysis for Affymetrix data.
I have been unable to export normalized Green and Red channel
However, when i use following commands, I get M and A values.
write.table(MA.p$A,file="h:\\r\\Exp200\\single channel nor A.txt",
= FALSE, sep = "\t", eol="\n", na="NA", dec="")
write.table(MA.p$M,file="h:\\r\\Exp200\\single channel nor M.txt",
= FALSE, sep = "\t", eol="\n", na="NA", dec="").
Please suggest me how can i export normalized red and green channel
I have other experiments to analyse and would like to use single
Thanks in advance
Binita Dutta, PhD
MicroArray Facility(MAF)
UZ Gasthuisberg
Onderwijs en Navorsing
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven