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CAMDA 2013
Last seen 10.5 years ago
CAMDA 2013 Challenge: Big Data in Life Sciences
The CAMDA conference contains a competitive challenge on Big Data in
life sciences. Extracting usable knowledge from Big Data is an
extremely pressing topic which requires advanced data mining, machine
learning, statistical, and data management techniques.
The challenge includes the analysis of large toxicogenomic and genetic
data obtained by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Relevant tasks for
the toxicogenomics data include, but are not limited to, feature
selection, classification, regression, and clustering. Relevant tasks
for the NGS data set, include, but are not limited to, variant
detection, identical by descent detection, structural variants
detection, and population genetics.
To facilitate the data handling, we provide the data set in several
- CSV (toxicogenomics)
- LIBSVM (toxicogenomics)
- VCF (NGS data)
- EXCEL Sheet (annotation data and labels)
which are ready to use e.g., for binary classification.
The raw data is provided as
- CEL files (Affymetrix microarray measurements)
- BAM files (NGS data)
- Abstract submission deadline for oral presentation / 20 May 2013
- Abstract submission deadline for poster presentation / 25 May 2013
- CAMDA Conference / 1920 July 2013
You find additional information about the challenge data sets,
submissions, etc. at the conference website: http://www.camda.info
We look forward to a lively contest!
The organizers and chairs of CAMDA 2013
Joaquin Dopazo, CIPF, Spain
Sepp Hochreiter, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
David Kreil, Boku University, Austria
Simon Lin, Marshfield Clinic, U.S.A.
Local organizer:
Djork-Arné Clevert, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Contact: camda@bioinf.jku.at
Conference website: http://www.camda.info
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