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He, Yiwen NIH/CIT
Last seen 10.4 years ago
I am looking into using the gage package for gene set analysis. I
would like to test run it on the human diabetic muscle microarray data
used in the initial description of GSEA paper. I downloaded the
expression data (Diabetes_hgu133a.gct) from the Broad institute
website, and also downloaded the C2 gene set there (c2.symbols.gmt).
However, the IDs in the expression dataset are Affymetrix probe IDs,
while the IDs in the gene set are gene symbols (or Entrez gene IDs if
I download another version.)
Your manual says these two IDs should match, and I understand that.
But what should I do when they don't match? The examples given in the
manual have everything setup the right way already.
I'm using R version 2.15.2 and gage_2.8.0 on Platform:
i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit).
Thank you very much!
Yiwen He