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Stephanie M. Gogarten
Last seen 7 months ago
University of Washington
Dear Uli,
Thanks for the suggestion. In GWASTools 1.5.9 (which will become the
next release very soon), the "snp.annot" argument in convertNcdfGds
should be a SnpAnnotationDataFrame, and the chromosome codes from
snp.annot will be preserved in the resulting GDS file.
best wishes,
On 1/16/13 2:42 AM, Ulrich Knief wrote:
> Dear Stephanie,
> I entered this code and it seems it changes the internal chromosome
> coding in SNPRelate after using 'convertNcdfGds'.
> path = ""
> geno.nc.file <- "tmp.geno.nc"
> ncfile <- paste(path,geno.nc.file,sep="")
> gdsfile <- "tmp_geno.gds"
> annot1 <- data.frame(pData(scanAnnot1))
> convertNcdfGds(ncfile, gdsfile, sample.annot=annot1)
> ZFwild <- openfn.gds("tmp_geno.gds", readonly=FALSE)
> # change internal chromosome coding
> option <- snpgdsOption(autosome.start=1, autosome.end=32)
> chrcode <- option$chromosome.code
> chr <- snpAnnot$chromosome
> for (i in names(chrcode)) chr[snpAnnot$chromosome == i] <-
> chr <- as.integer(chr)
> chr[is.na(chr)] <- 0
> put.attr.gdsn(index.gdsn(ZFwild, c("snp.chromosome")),
> "autosome.start", option$autosome.start)
> put.attr.gdsn(index.gdsn(ZFwild, c("snp.chromosome")),
> "autosome.end", option$autosome.end)
> for (i in 1:length(option$chromosome.code)) {
> put.attr.gdsn(index.gdsn(ZFwild, c("snp.chromosome")),
> names(option$chromosome.code)[i],
> option$chromosome.code[[i]])
> }
> sync.gds(ZFwild)
> Best wishes
> Uli
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: GWASTools
> Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 10:12:16 +0100
> From: Ulrich Knief <uknief at="" orn.mpg.de="">
> To: Stephanie M. Gogarten <sdmorris at="" u.washington.edu="">
> Dear Stephanie,
> sorry to bother you again. I have a problem with defining new
> codes during conversion from GWASTools to SNPRelate. I use the
> 'convertNcdfGds' from the GWASTools package. You cannot specify
> differing chromosome names in this function.
> Then I tried to change the internal chromosome representations in
> SNPRelate with 'snpgdsOption'. But the list output of this function
> only useable for SNPRelate functions while importing data from PLINK
> VCF files (snpgdsBED2GDS, snpgdsVCF2GDS) and not for the
> 'convertNcdfGds' function. Am I missing something?
> I am not sure, but I think in your tutorial on data cleaning you
made a
> mistake on page 47 when plotting heterozygosity in females on the X
> chromosome. Shouldn't it be:
> female <- scanAnnot$sex == "F"
> boxplot(scanAnnot$het.X[female] ~ scanAnnot$population[female],
> Chromosome Heterozygosity in Females")
> Best wishes
> Uli
> On 1/7/2013 5:46 PM, Stephanie M. Gogarten wrote:
>> "anomDetectLOH" may be what you want. Be warned that it takes a
>> time to run.
>> Stephanie
>> On 1/6/13 4:19 PM, Uli wrote:
>>> Dear Stephanie,
>>> thank you very much for your information and support! I really
>>> appreciate your help. I will start writing my scripts in GWASTools
>>> SNPRelate the next days. If I come across any bugs then I could
>>> you again. Are you planning to implement something like PLINKs
'Runs of
>>> Homozygosity' tool in the future?
>>> Best wishes
>>> Uli
>>> Am 03.01.2013 22:49, schrieb Stephanie M. Gogarten:
>>>> I think Xiuwen may still be on vacation, but I just noticed that
>>>> latest SNPRelate (0.9.8) has the option to change autosome
>>>> Look at "?snpgdsOption".
>>>> Stephanie
>>>> On 12/21/12 10:39 AM, Stephanie M. Gogarten wrote:
>>>>> Dear Uli,
>>>>> Xiuwen Zheng is the author of SNPRelate, and as far as I know it
>>>>> has autosomes hard-coded as 1:22.
>>>>> Xiuwen, do you have any plans to revise SNPRelate so that it can
>>>>> used
>>>>> with a different number of autosomes? I just did this in
>>>>> GWASTools, so
>>>>> I can give you an example.
>>>>> Stephanie
>>>>> On 12/20/12 4:23 PM, Uli wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Stephanie,
>>>>>> thank you very much for this update - which was very fast - and
>>>>>> letting me know! This gives GWASTools a clear advantage over
>>>>>> model organisms for all the quality checking. Actually, I think
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> put together a pipeline that uses GWASTools for quality control
>>>>>> and for
>>>>>> the detection of trisomies, then SNPRelate for PCA and then
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> emma or the GAPIT package (which includes emma) for the
>>>>>> testing. Since SNPRelate was written by your working group as
>>>>>> does
>>>>>> it also accept the new chromosome names?
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Uli
>>>>>> Am 19.12.2012 21:44, schrieb Stephanie M. Gogarten:
>>>>>>> Dear Dr. Knief,
>>>>>>> GWASTools 1.5.5 (available here:
>>>>>>> allows you to change the chromosome annotations for autosomes.
>>>>>>> There
>>>>>>> is an example on the GenotypeData man page ("?GenotypeData")
for how
>>>>>>> to set up a GenotypeData object for a bird species.
>>>>>>> Stephanie
>>>>>>> On 11/15/12 1:50 AM, Ulrich Knief wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello Dr Gogarten,
>>>>>>>> I would like to use your R package GWASTools but I am
>>>>>>>> whether
>>>>>>>> it is possible to change the internal chromosome names.
>>>>>>>> Specifically,
>>>>>>>> the organism I am studying has more chromosomes than humans
and it
>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>> thus be nice to change the chromosome annotations. Since I am
>>>>>>>> working on
>>>>>>>> a bird species it would also be nice to change X to Z but
>>>>>>>> is not
>>>>>>>> absolutely necessary.
>>>>>>>> Is that possible?
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Ulrich Knief
> --
> J. Ulrich Knief
> Max Planck Institute for Ornithology
> Department of Behavioural Ecology & Evolutionary Genetics
> Eberhard-Gwinner-Stra?e, House 7
> 82319 Seewiesen (Starnberg), Germany
> Tel.: +49 (0) 8157 932 - 303