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Last seen 10.2 years ago
Dear list,
Let's say I have single-end strand-specific RNA-Seq data.
Then I could read in the data with:
> reads = readGappedAlignments("data.bam")
As I typically don't know which strand has been sequenced, it might be
necessary to flip the strand of the reads before doing any kind
of summarizeOverlap:
> strand(reads) = ifelse(strand(reads) == "+", "-", "+")
Now I could do a 'summarizeOverlaps' between the reads and any kind of
transcript database.
Now, if I have paired-end strand-specific RNA-Seq data.
I read the data:
> reads = readGappedAlignmentPairs("data.bam")
How can I flip the strand of the reads? As it's now paired-end data,
it does not work as above.
I could imagine several work-arounds, I just wonder if there is any
straight approach which I miss at the moment..
best regards,
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