Thanks, Tim ...will do it accordingly.
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Tim Triche, Jr.
> So the problem (at least as regards my initial code snippet) is that
> is no mapping in the Homo.sapiens OrganismDb for either uc002yjx.1
> or uc010gkz.1 and thus no symbol (since symbol-less features are
> That's sort of odd since, it seems, these are NRIP1 isoforms.
> I noticed that p15 and p16 transcripts appeared to be missing when I
> looked at chr9 earlier. This might be an issue where mappings are
> from Homo.sapiens /, in which case a posting to the
list would
> be good.
> Meanwhile, if you want to keep the UCSC names of the genes for which
> is not a Hugo mapping in the symbol table, the following replacement
> subsetting txtr should do it (I tested this):
> ## don't subset txtr. instead,
> symbol(txtr)[ hasHugoSymbol ] <-
> Then proceed as before. I get the attached output from running
> plotTracks(txtr,from=start,to=end)
> since the NRIP1 isoforms, not being mapped to Hugo (?!), stay UCSC
> Do you mind if I cc: the list on this? And/or bring it up with
> --t
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 3:19 PM, Bogdan Tanasa <>
>> Hi Tim,
>> I followed your code, in the following way (please see below);
>> plotTracks(txtr) works; however, when I try to plot specific
>> ( eg plotTracks(txtr,chr="chr21", start=15245000,end=15520000) ) it
>> not show the correct region : I suspect it may be an issue in my
code, but
>> not very sure where ... if you have 2-3 minutes, would appreciate
>> help. thanks !
>> library(Homo.sapiens)
>> library("ggplot2")
>> library(Gviz)
>> library("GenomicFeatures")
>> library("ggplot2")
>> library("rtracklayer")
>> library("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene")
>> chr<-"chr21"
>> start<-15245000
>> end <-15520000
>> hg18db <- makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC(genome = "hg18",tablename =
>> "knownGene")
>> saveDb(hg18db, file="hg18db_knownGene.sqlite")
>> txdb <-loadDb("hg18db_knownGene.sqlite")
>> txtr <-
>> GeneRegionTrack(txdb,genome="hg18",chromosome="chr21",showId=TRUE,g
>> plotTracks(txtr,from=start,to=end)
>> symbolMappings <- select(Homo.sapiens,
>> cols=c('UCSCKG','ENTREZID','SYMBOL'),
>> keys=symbol(txtr), keytype='UCSCKG')
>> symbolMappings <- symbolMappings[match(symbol(txtr),
>> symbolMappings$UCSCKG),]
>> hasHugoSymbol <- !$SYMBOL)
>> txtr <- txtr[ hasHugoSymbol ]
>> symbol(txtr) <- symbolMappings$SYMBOL[ hasHugoSymbol ]
>> plotTracks(txtr)
>> plotTracks(txtr,from=start,to=end)
>> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 11:39 AM, Tim Triche, Jr.
>>> Oops, critical step omitted. See below.
>>> ## see ?select for more on the following
>>> ##
>>> library(Homo.sapiens)
>>> symbolMappings <- select(Homo.sapiens,
>>> cols=c('UCSCKG','ENTREZID','SYMBOL'),
>>> keys=symbol(txtr),
>>> keytype='UCSCKG')
>>> ## "pork out" the mappings table so that duplicates expand
>>> ##
>>> symbolMappings <- symbolMappings[match(symbol(txtr),
>>> symbolMappings$UCSCKG),]
>>> ## if NAs could be accepted as keys, this next step might be
>>> ##
>>> hasHugoSymbol <- !$SYMBOL)
>>> ## however, it seems that not all UCSC known genes have a Hugo
>>> ##
>>> txtr <- txtr[ hasHugoSymbol ]
>>> symbol(txtr) <- symbolMappings$SYMBOL[ hasHugoSymbol ]
>>> plotTracks(txtr)
>>> The above (minus comments) is what I used to generate a test
>>> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 11:34 AM, Tim Triche, Jr.
>>>> Well, here's one approach. I'll start from the constructed
>>>> track.
>>>> ## see ?select for more on the following
>>>> ##
>>>> library(Homo.sapiens)
>>>> symbolMappings <- select(Homo.sapiens,
>>>> cols=c('UCSCKG','ENTREZID','SYMBOL'),
>>>> keys=symbol(txtr),
>>>> keytype='UCSCKG')
>>>> ## "pork out" the mappings table so that duplicates expand
>>>> ##
>>>> symbolMappings <- symbolMappings[match(symbol(txtr),
>>>> symbolMappings$UCSCKG),]
>>>> ## if NAs can be accepted as keys, this next step might be
>>>> ## however, it seems that not all UCSC known genes have a Hugo
>>>> ##
>>>> txtr <- txtr[ hasHugoSymbol ]
>>>> symbol(txtr) <- symbolMappings$SYMBOL[ hasHugoSymbol ]
>>>> plotTracks(txtr)
>>>> That works.
>>>> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 6:03 AM, Hahne, Florian <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Well, the main culprit here is really the TranscriptDB package.
It does
>>>>> not seem to deal at all with gene symbols, so there is no way
for Gviz
>>>>> to
>>>>> automatically fetch those. If you come up with a way to match
the UCSC
>>>>> gene identifiers back to gene symbols you could stick those into
>>>>> GeneRegionTrack using the 'symbol' replacement method. E.g.,
>>>>> symbol(foo) <- mappingTable[match(transcript(foo),
>>>>> mappingTable$UCSCId),])
>>>>> I am not sure how this mapping is supposed to be done in the
>>>>> Bioconductor
>>>>> world these days. You may be able to find a way using one of the
>>>>> packages. Or maybe you will have to download a mapping table
>>>>> from
>>>>> the UCSC table browser.
>>>>> With the next release of Bioconductor (or already now if you are
>>>>> working
>>>>> with the devel branch), Gviz supports building tracks from a
>>>>> range
>>>>> of standard annotation files. You could then export the whole
>>>>> known.gene
>>>>> table from UCSC as a GTF file and import in again as a
>>>>> object. Alternatively you may want to look into the
>>>>> BiomartGeneRegionTrack
>>>>> class which will fetch the gene models from Ensembl, but this
>>>>> the
>>>>> HUGO gene symbols.
>>>>> Florian
>>>>> --
>>>>> On 2/7/13 10:51 AM, "Bogdan Tanasa" <> wrote:
>>>>> >Dear all,
>>>>> >
>>>>> >I am using the following code below in order to retrieve the
>>>>> >annotations in Gviz package :
>>>>> >please could advise on what shall I modify in order to display
>>>>> HUGO
>>>>> >gene symbol on each gene ? thanks !
>>>>> >
>>>>> >library("GenomicFeatures")
>>>>> >hg18db <- makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC(genome = "hg18",tablename =
>>>>> >"knownGene")
>>>>> >saveDb(hg18db, file="hg18db_knownGene.sqlite")
>>>>> >txdb <-loadDb("hg18db_knownGene.sqlite")
>>>>> >txTr <-
>>>>> >GeneRegionTrack(txdb,genome="hg18",chromosome="chr9",showId=TRU
>>>>> >l=TRUE,name="UCSC")
>>>>> >plotTracks(txTr,from=start,to=end)
>>>>> >
>>>>> >-- bogdan
>>>>> >------------------
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>>> Howard
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