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Marc Salit
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear Colleagues --
I'd like to draw your attention to a NIH/NIST Joint Postdoc
in the area of "Measurement Science for Reliability of Microarrays in
The competition is open to both U.S. and non-U.S. citizens. The
application deadline date is August 1 and awards will be made in late
September. Ph.D. recipients within five years of the doctorate at the
time of application are eligible to apply. The award offers an annual
stipend of $55,000 plus relocation expenses, health insurance
and limited professional travel.
A website with details of the program is at:
A website with details of this research opportunity is at:
This work will be in partnership with Dr. Maggie Cam's lab (the core
microarray facility at NIDDK).
The broad program description is:
National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute of Standards
Technology (NIST) - Joint Postdoctoral Program (NIH-NIST)
Measurement Science for Reliability of Microarrays in Biology
Bethesda/Gaithersburg, MD
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Adviser Information:
Oliver, Brian (NIH)
(301) 496-5494
Salit, Marc (NIST)
(301) 975-3646
RESTRICTED ELIGIBILITY: This opportunity is available only to those
applicants who have held their doctorate for less than five years at
the time of application.
SPECIAL NOTE: Please choose one Research Adviser from NIH and one
Research Adviser from NIST.
While researchers are enabled by microarrays to do massively
multiplexed measurements, deriving meaningful biological insight from
these data is challenging. Variability arises from numerous sources
which involve the physics, chemistry, applied mathematics, statistics,
and biology, leading to the complexity in interpreting results. This
project would focus on characterizing the sources of measurement error
and variability, and on developing novel methods to improve the
reliability of microarray results. We will demonstrate the impact of
these approaches in application to the interpretation of biological
data for clinical diagnostics. Applicants should be interested in the
fundamentals of measurement science underpinning microarrays in
Best regards,
Dr. Marc Salit
Research Chemist
Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8391
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8391
email: Salit@NIST.gov
voice: +1 301 975-3646
fax: +1 301 869-0413