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Chang, Kai-Ming
Last seen 10.4 years ago
I tried to plot the mismatch values of a probset, but got the message
> plot(ps[[1]],which="mm")
Error in range(c(f(x)), na.rm = TRUE) : couldn't find function "f"
I think there should be a mistake in plot.ProbeSet function
> plot.ProbeSet
function (x, which = c("pm", "mm"), xlab = "probes", type =
ylim = NULL, ...)
which <- match.arg(which)
if (which == "pm")
f <- getMethod("pm", "ProbeSet")
----> else g <- getMethod("mm", "ProbeSet")
if (is.null(ylim))
ylim = range(c(f(x)), na.rm = TRUE)
if is.na(xlab))
xlab = "probes"
matplot(f(x), xlab = xlab, type = type, ylim = ylim, ...)
It should be
else f <- getMethod("mm", "ProbeSet")
Thank you very much.
Kind Regards,
Kai-Ming Chang
Alderley Park