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José Luis Lavín
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear list,
I made a new samplesheet to use with DiffBind with this format:
SampleID Tissue Factor Condition Replicate
bamReads bamControl Peaks
Contrl1 Neural K9 Resistant 1 Control1.bed
Contro_input.bed Control1_peaks.bed
Contrl2 Neural K9 Resistant 2 Control2.bed
Control_input.bed Control2_peaks.bed
A4_1 Neural K9 Responsive 1 A4_1.bed
A4_input.bed A4_1_peaks.bed
A4_2 Neural K9 Responsive 2 A4_2.bed
A4_input.bed A4_2_peaks.bed
A21_1 Neural K9 Responsive 1 A21_1.bed
A21_input.bed A21_1_peaks.bed
A21_2 Neural K9 Responsive 2 A21_2.bed
A21_input.bed A21_2_peaks.bed
I can load the files,
> chippy = dba(sampleSheet="Peaksets_sample_sheet.csv")
plot them
and count the reads,
>chippy = dba.count(chippy, minOverlap=3)
but when I try to establish a contrast based on the condition
metadata, I
get the following warning message:
> chippy = dba.contrast(chippy, categories=DBA_CONDITION)
Warning message:
No contrasts added. Perhaps try more categories, or lower value for
So when I try to perform the analysis, it doesn't work:
> chippy = dba.analyze(chippy)
Error in pv.DBA(DBA, method, bSubControl, bFullLibrarySize, bTagwise =
bTagwise, :
Unable to perform analysis: no contrasts specified.
In addition: Warning message:
No contrasts added. Perhaps try more categories, or lower value for
->My questions are:
-What is the contrast for DiffBind (I added the input for each set of
samples, and 2 biological replicates as control)?
-Is there something wrong with the sample sheet?
-Shouldn't the files to analyze be in bed format?
Thanks in advance
El Jue, 20 de Diciembre de 2012, 14:36, jluis.lavin at unavarra.es
> Thank you Gordon, it was my mistake, I missunderstood the sample
sheet and
> didn't create mine correctly.
> I think the packege is very very useful and I can't wait to see it
> correctly with my samples ;)
> Best wishes
> JL
> El Jue, 20 de Diciembre de 2012, 12:17, Gordon Brown escribi?:
>> Hi,
>> Your sample sheet shows the same filename for "Reads" and "Peaks",
>> is unlikely to be right. The "Peaks" file should be the output of
>> peak caller (the peaks that MACS called); the "Reads" file should
be the
>> aligned reads, i.e. the *input* to the peak caller (the output of
>> alignment stage). Let me know if that fixes the problem.
>> It should give an informative error message, though... I'll add
that to
>> the to-do list.
>> Cheers,
>> - Gord
>>>Message: 1
>>>Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 16:17:07 +0100
>>>From: jluis.lavin at unavarra.es
>>>To: bioconductor at r-project.org
>>>Subject: [BioC] Diffbind error
>>> <e6a0d8855033e937b5236f5787e1d78d.squirrel at="" webmail.unavarra.es="">
>>>Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
>>>Dear list,
>>>--I'm trying to use Diffbind package to analyze some samples from a
>>>seq experiment.
>>>--I created a .csv samplesheet with the following fields and which
>>> samples
>>>to analyze:
>>>SampleID Tissue Factor Condition Replicate Reads Control
>>>Chip_K27.1+ Neural K27 Responsive 1 Chip_K27.BED Input_K.BED
>>> Chip_K27.BED
>>>Chip_K27.2+ Neural K27 Responsive 1 Chip_K27d.BED Input_K.BED
>>>--All my BED files have 6 lines and have been retrieved from MACS
>>>--When Diffbind reads the sheet everything seems correct:
>>>> chippy = dba(sampleSheet="Peaksets_sample_sheet.csv")
>>>Chip_K27.1+ Neural K27 Responsive 1 raw
>>>Chip_K27.2+ Neural K27 Responsive 1 raw
>>>#it plots the correlation heatmap
>>>> plot(chippy)
>>>#But fails in this step after a while
>>>> chippy = dba.count(chippy, minOverlap=3)
>>>Error in read.table(fn, skip = skipnum) : no lines available in
>>>#Alternatively if I try this command
>>>> chippy = dba.count(chippy)
>>>Error in cond$counts : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
>>>In addition: Warning message:
>>>In mclapply(arglist, fn, ..., mc.preschedule = TRUE,
>>> =
>>>TRUE) :
>>> all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code
>>>Would any of you shed any light on this issue?
>>>Best wishes and thanks in advance
>>>> sessionInfo()
>>>R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
>>>Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit)
>>> [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
>>>attached base packages:
>>>[1] parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
>>>[8] base
>>>other attached packages:
>>>[1] DiffBind_1.4.0 Biobase_2.18.0 GenomicRanges_1.10.5
>>>[4] IRanges_1.16.4 BiocGenerics_0.4.0 BiocInstaller_1.8.3
>>>loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>>> [1] amap_0.8-7 edgeR_3.0.7 gdata_2.12.0
>>> [5] gtools_2.7.0 limma_3.14.3 RColorBrewer_1.0-5
>>> [9] tools_2.15.1 zlibbioc_1.4.0
>>>Dr. Jos? Luis Lav?n Trueba
>>>Dpto. de Producci?n Agraria
>>>Grupo de Gen?tica y Microbiolog?a
>>>Universidad P?blica de Navarra
>>>31006 Pamplona
> --
> Dr. Jos? Luis Lav?n Trueba
> Dpto. de Producci?n Agraria
> Grupo de Gen?tica y Microbiolog?a
> Universidad P?blica de Navarra
> 31006 Pamplona
> Navarra
Dr. Jos? Luis Lav?n Trueba
Dpto. de Producci?n Agraria
Grupo de Gen?tica y Microbiolog?a
Universidad P?blica de Navarra
31006 Pamplona