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Ryan C. Thompson
Last seen 4 months ago
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinaiā¦
Hi all,
I am trying to compare limma (with voom) and edgeR for RNA-seq
differential expression analysis, and I have noticed that while
glm functionality closely matches the functionality of limma, one
feature seems to be missing: testing of multiple contrasts.
1. In glmLRT, the contrast argument only takes a single contrast, not
matrix of contrasts (as limma's contrasts.fit would);
2. If glmLRT is used with a coef argument containing 2 or more coefs,
then decideTestsDGE cannot handle the resulting object.
To illustrate what I mean with an example, consider the following
experimental design with 3 replicates each of 3 timepoints, where I
the same data with two equivalent design matrices, one with an
term and one without:
dge <- DGEList(...) # Imagine data here
sampledata <- data.frame(timepoint=,
timepoint <- rep(factor(c("T0", "T1", "T2", "T3")), each=3)
design <- model.matrix(~timepoint)
design.noint <- model.matrix(~0+timepoint)
fit <- glmFit(dge, design)
fit.noint <- glmFit(dge, design.noint)
## Test for changes in any timepoint
lrt.any.changes <- glmLRT(fit, coef=c(2,3,4))
## How can this test be performed on fit.noint?
lrt.any.changes <- glmLRT(fit.noint, ???)
## This throws an error because the DGELRT has multiple columns
## "logFC.*" instead of just a single "logFC" that the function
## expects.
By contrast, with limma I can always do the test that I want
of how I choose to parametrize my design matrix (intercept or not):
## Equivalent procedure in limma (I think)
lfit <- lmFit(voom(dge, design))
lfit.noint <- lmFit(voom(dge, design.noint))
## Test for changes in any timepoint (result is in $F.p.value)
lfit <- eBayes(lfit)
## Same test on the version with no intercept term
contrasts.anychange.noint <- makeContrasts(timepointT1-timepointT0,
lfit.noint <- eBayes(contrasts.fit(lfit.noint))
## Should give identical results?
Basically, I far as I can tell, with edgeR you can test the null
hypothesis of multiple model coefficients being zero, but not multiple
contrasts, despite the fact that both procedures should be
equivalent. Is edgeR missing this functionality or am I missing the
proper way to do it? Not having this functionality makes things a
confusing, because depending on which one of several equivalent
parametrizations I choose, different tests are available or not
available, as illustrated by the code above, in which I can only test
the hypothesis of "any change between any time points" if I include an
intercept term. If I'm missing something, can someone pleas enlighten
me? If edgeR really is missing this functionality, is it planned for
future or is there some fundamental difference between lms and glms
makes it impossible?
-Ryan Thompson