VariantAnnotation - dots in the INFO field give an error
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Last seen 10.1 years ago
Hello! I have a problem reading a VCF file with the VariantAnnotation package. The filtered VCF file (attached as text below) has been generated with vcftools. This is what I tried in R and the resulting error message: > library(VariantAnnotation) > vcf<-readVcf("vcftools.filtered.vcf", "hg19") Warning message: In doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) : record 1 (and others?) INFO '.' not found If I understood it correctely, the dots in the INFO column of the VCF file create the problem. Is there an alternative way to read this vcf file and annotate it with VariantAnnotation package? Best Regards, Jarno ---- This is the session info: R version 2.15.1 Patched (2012-07-25 r59963) Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=Finnish_Finland.1252 LC_CTYPE=Finnish_Finland.1252 LC_MONETARY=Finnish_Finland.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=Finnish_Finland.1252 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] VariantAnnotation_1.4.3 Rsamtools_1.10.1 Biostrings_2.26.2 GenomicRanges_1.10.2 IRanges_1.16.3 BiocGenerics_0.4.0 loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] AnnotationDbi_1.20.2 Biobase_2.18.0 biomaRt_2.14.0 bitops_1.0-4.1 BSgenome_1.26.1 DBI_0.2-5 GenomicFeatures_1.10.0 parallel_2.15.1 [9] RCurl_1.95-1.1 RSQLite_0.11.2 rtracklayer_1.18.0 stats4_2.15.1 tools_2.15.1 XML_3.95-0.1 zlibbioc_1.4.0 And this is the VCF file: ##fileformat=VCFv4.1 ##samtoolsVersion=0.1.18 (r982:295) ##INFO=<id=dp,number=1,type=integer,description="raw read="" depth"=""> ##INFO=<id=dp4,number=4,type=integer,description="# high-quality="" ref-forward="" bases,="" ref-reverse,="" alt-forward="" and="" alt-reverse="" bases"=""> ##INFO=<id=mq,number=1,type=integer,description="root-mean-square mapping="" quality="" of="" covering="" reads"=""> ##INFO=<id=fq,number=1,type=float,description="phred probability="" of="" all="" samples="" being="" the="" same"=""> ##INFO=<id=af1,number=1,type=float,description="max-likelihood estimate="" of="" the="" first="" alt="" allele="" frequency="" (assuming="" hwe)"=""> ##INFO=<id=ac1,number=1,type=float,description="max-likelihood estimate="" of="" the="" first="" alt="" allele="" count="" (no="" hwe="" assumption)"=""> ##INFO=<id=g3,number=3,type=float,description="ml estimate="" of="" genotype="" frequencies"=""> ##INFO=<id=hwe,number=1,type=float,description="chi^2 based="" hwe="" test="" p-value="" based="" on="" g3"=""> ##INFO=<id=clr,number=1,type=integer,description="log ratio="" of="" genotype="" likelihoods="" with="" and="" without="" the="" constraint"=""> ##INFO=<id=ugt,number=1,type=string,description="the most="" probable="" unconstrained="" genotype="" configuration="" in="" the="" trio"=""> ##INFO=<id=cgt,number=1,type=string,description="the most="" probable="" constrained="" genotype="" configuration="" in="" the="" trio"=""> ##INFO=<id=pv4,number=4,type=float,description="p-values for="" strand="" bias,="" baseq="" bias,="" mapq="" bias="" and="" tail="" distance="" bias"=""> ##INFO=<id=indel,number=0,type=flag,description="indicates that="" the="" variant="" is="" an="" indel."=""> ##INFO=<id=pc2,number=2,type=integer,description="phred probability="" of="" the="" nonref="" allele="" frequency="" in="" group1="" samples="" being="" larger="" (,smaller)="" than="" in="" group2."=""> ##INFO=<id=pchi2,number=1,type=float,description="posterior weighted="" chi^2="" p-value="" for="" testing="" the="" association="" between="" group1="" and="" group2="" samples."=""> ##INFO=<id=qchi2,number=1,type=integer,description="phred scaled="" pchi2."=""> ##INFO=<id=pr,number=1,type=integer,description="# permutations="" yielding="" a="" smaller="" pchi2."=""> ##INFO=<id=vdb,number=1,type=float,description="variant distance="" bias"=""> ##FORMAT=<id=gt,number=1,type=string,description="genotype"> ##FORMAT=<id=gq,number=1,type=integer,description="genotype quality"=""> ##FORMAT=<id=gl,number=3,type=float,description="likelihoods for="" rr,ra,aa="" genotypes="" (r="ref,A=alt)""> ##FORMAT=<id=dp,number=1,type=integer,description="# high-quality="" bases"=""> ##FORMAT=<id=sp,number=1,type=integer,description="phred-scaled strand="" bias="" p-value"=""> ##FORMAT=<id=pl,number=g,type=integer,description="list of="" phred-scaled="" genotype="" likelihoods"=""> #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT HG00171 HG00174 NA18486 NA18489 20 6731335 . T C 80.5 . . GT:PL:GQ 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:113,12,0:13 20 6732603 . A T 25.7 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/0:0,6,54:8 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/1:58,0,27:35 20 6736189 . A G 47.8 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:79,6,0:6 20 6736562 . C A 20.4 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/0:0,0,0:4 0/0:0,0,0:4 0/1:53,0,32:40 0/0:0,9,98:11 20 6737384 . A G 62 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:92,0,95:92 20 6737551 . G A 26.3 . . GT:PL:GQ 1/1:30,3,0:4 0/1:0,3,40:4 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:34,3,0:4 20 6738766 . T A 34.3 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,3,33:4 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:69,6,0:4 20 6739398 . G A 64 . . GT:PL:GQ 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:96,9,0:10 20 6740366 . C T 25.8 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:57,6,0:6 20 6740850 . G A 34.4 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,6,59:6 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:70,6,0:3 20 6743016 . T C 87.2 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,3,31:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:124,12,0:10 20 6743306 . A C 39.8 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:71,6,0:6 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 20 6746498 . C T 17.4 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,3,38:4 0/1:31,3,0:4 0/1:24,0,54:26 20 6749158 . C A 18.3 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/0:0,3,29:8 0/0:0,3,32:8 0/1:53,0,30:40 0/0:0,21,159:25 20 6749671 . A C 21.3 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/0:0,9,65:7 0/1:33,3,0:3 0/1:28,3,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 20 6751034 . A G 999 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/0:0,24,189:19 0/1:33,0,141:38 1/1:255,105,0:99 1/1:255,66,0:65 20 6751316 . A G 155 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/0:0,3,22:4 0/0:0,6,43:6 1/1:116,12,0:8 0/1:84,0,25:29 20 6754246 . G A 16.4 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,3,20:6 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/1:48,0,43:45 20 6755598 . T G 46 . . GT:PL:GQ 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:78,9,0:10 20 6756217 . G A 14.2 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/0:0,3,38:7 0/0:0,3,38:7 0/0:0,0,0:4 0/1:47,0,26:34 20 6760431 . C A 36.8 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:68,6,0:6 20 6761512 . C T 104 . . GT:PL:GQ 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:136,12,0:13 20 6762025 . G A 29.3 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/1:0,3,37:4 1/1:32,3,0:4 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:35,3,0:4 20 6765841 . A C 35.3 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/0:0,3,31:4 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:70,6,0:4 20 6767119 . G C 104 . . GT:PL:GQ 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:136,12,0:13 20 6767354 . C T 24 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:54,0,111:55 20 6767543 . T C 14.2 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/0:0,3,31:7 0/0:0,3,32:7 0/0:0,0,0:4 0/1:47,0,22:30 20 6769102 . T TC 117 . . GT:PL:GQ 1/1:0,0,0:6 1/1:40,3,0:9 1/1:40,3,0:9 1/1:80,6,0:11 20 6769533 . G A 21.4 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,6,64:6 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:57,6,0:3 20 6769676 . A G 27.2 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/0:0,3,32:5 0/0:0,3,34:5 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/1:64,6,0:3 20 6769714 . T C 63.2 . . GT:PL:GQ 1/1:68,6,0:9 1/1:0,0,0:4 1/1:0,0,0:4 1/1:29,3,0:7 20 6769877 . T C 14.5 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/1:27,0,27:27 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,6,68:6 0/1:26,3,0:4 20 6769893 . C A 16.7 . . GT:PL:GQ 0/0:0,3,38:5 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,6,63:8 0/1:54,6,0:4
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Last seen 11 days ago
United States
what you reported is a warning, not an error. did the object "vcf" get created? On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 4:39 AM, Jarno Tuimala <> wrote: > Hello! > > I have a problem reading a VCF file with the VariantAnnotation > package. The filtered VCF file (attached as text below) has been > generated with vcftools. > > This is what I tried in R and the resulting error message: > > > library(VariantAnnotation) > > vcf<-readVcf("vcftools.filtered.vcf", "hg19") > > Warning message: > In doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) : > record 1 (and others?) INFO '.' not found > > If I understood it correctely, the dots in the INFO column of the VCF > file create the problem. > > Is there an alternative way to read this vcf file and annotate it with > VariantAnnotation package? > > Best Regards, > Jarno > > > ---- > > This is the session info: > > R version 2.15.1 Patched (2012-07-25 r59963) > Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) > > locale: > [1] LC_COLLATE=Finnish_Finland.1252 LC_CTYPE=Finnish_Finland.1252 > LC_MONETARY=Finnish_Finland.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C > LC_TIME=Finnish_Finland.1252 > > attached base packages: > [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base > > other attached packages: > [1] VariantAnnotation_1.4.3 Rsamtools_1.10.1 Biostrings_2.26.2 > GenomicRanges_1.10.2 IRanges_1.16.3 > BiocGenerics_0.4.0 > > loaded via a namespace (and not attached): > [1] AnnotationDbi_1.20.2 Biobase_2.18.0 biomaRt_2.14.0 > bitops_1.0-4.1 BSgenome_1.26.1 DBI_0.2-5 > GenomicFeatures_1.10.0 parallel_2.15.1 > [9] RCurl_1.95-1.1 RSQLite_0.11.2 rtracklayer_1.18.0 > stats4_2.15.1 tools_2.15.1 XML_3.95-0.1 > zlibbioc_1.4.0 > > > And this is the VCF file: > > ##fileformat=VCFv4.1 > ##samtoolsVersion=0.1.18 (r982:295) > ##INFO=<id=dp,number=1,type=integer,description="raw read="" depth"=""> > ##INFO=<id=dp4,number=4,type=integer,description="# high-quality=""> ref-forward bases, ref-reverse, alt-forward and alt-reverse bases"> > ##INFO=<id=mq,number=1,type=integer,description="root-mean-square> mapping quality of covering reads"> > ##INFO=<id=fq,number=1,type=float,description="phred probability="" of=""> all samples being the same"> > ##INFO=<id=af1,number=1,type=float,description="max-likelihood> estimate of the first ALT allele frequency (assuming HWE)"> > ##INFO=<id=ac1,number=1,type=float,description="max-likelihood> estimate of the first ALT allele count (no HWE assumption)"> > ##INFO=<id=g3,number=3,type=float,description="ml estimate="" of="" genotype=""> frequencies"> > ##INFO=<id=hwe,number=1,type=float,description="chi^2 based="" hwe="" test=""> P-value based on G3"> > ##INFO=<id=clr,number=1,type=integer,description="log ratio="" of=""> genotype likelihoods with and without the constraint"> > ##INFO=<id=ugt,number=1,type=string,description="the most="" probable=""> unconstrained genotype configuration in the trio"> > ##INFO=<id=cgt,number=1,type=string,description="the most="" probable=""> constrained genotype configuration in the trio"> > ##INFO=<id=pv4,number=4,type=float,description="p-values for="" strand=""> bias, baseQ bias, mapQ bias and tail distance bias"> > ##INFO=<id=indel,number=0,type=flag,description="indicates that="" the=""> variant is an INDEL."> > ##INFO=<id=pc2,number=2,type=integer,description="phred probability="" of=""> the nonRef allele frequency in group1 samples being larger (,smaller) > than in group2."> > ##INFO=<id=pchi2,number=1,type=float,description="posterior weighted=""> chi^2 P-value for testing the association between group1 and group2 > samples."> > ##INFO=<id=qchi2,number=1,type=integer,description="phred scaled="" pchi2."=""> > ##INFO=<id=pr,number=1,type=integer,description="# permutations=""> yielding a smaller PCHI2."> > ##INFO=<id=vdb,number=1,type=float,description="variant distance="" bias"=""> > ##FORMAT=<id=gt,number=1,type=string,description="genotype"> > ##FORMAT=<id=gq,number=1,type=integer,description="genotype quality"=""> > ##FORMAT=<id=gl,number=3,type=float,description="likelihoods for=""> RR,RA,AA genotypes (R=ref,A=alt)"> > ##FORMAT=<id=dp,number=1,type=integer,description="# high-quality="" bases"=""> > ##FORMAT=<id=sp,number=1,type=integer,description="phred-scaled strand=""> bias P-value"> > ##FORMAT=<id=pl,number=g,type=integer,description="list of=""> Phred-scaled genotype likelihoods"> > #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT > HG00171 HG00174 NA18486 NA18489 > 20 6731335 . T C 80.5 . . GT:PL:GQ > 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:113,12,0:13 > 20 6732603 . A T 25.7 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/0:0,6,54:8 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/1:58,0,27:35 > 20 6736189 . A G 47.8 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:79,6,0:6 > 20 6736562 . C A 20.4 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/0:0,0,0:4 0/0:0,0,0:4 0/1:53,0,32:40 0/0:0,9,98:11 > 20 6737384 . A G 62 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:92,0,95:92 > 20 6737551 . G A 26.3 . . GT:PL:GQ > 1/1:30,3,0:4 0/1:0,3,40:4 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:34,3,0:4 > 20 6738766 . T A 34.3 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,3,33:4 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:69,6,0:4 > 20 6739398 . G A 64 . . GT:PL:GQ > 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:96,9,0:10 > 20 6740366 . C T 25.8 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:57,6,0:6 > 20 6740850 . G A 34.4 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,6,59:6 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:70,6,0:3 > 20 6743016 . T C 87.2 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,3,31:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:124,12,0:10 > 20 6743306 . A C 39.8 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:71,6,0:6 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 > 20 6746498 . C T 17.4 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,3,38:4 0/1:31,3,0:4 0/1:24,0,54:26 > 20 6749158 . C A 18.3 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/0:0,3,29:8 0/0:0,3,32:8 0/1:53,0,30:40 0/0:0,21,159:25 > 20 6749671 . A C 21.3 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/0:0,9,65:7 0/1:33,3,0:3 0/1:28,3,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 > 20 6751034 . A G 999 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/0:0,24,189:19 0/1:33,0,141:38 1/1:255,105,0:99 1/1:255,66,0:65 > 20 6751316 . A G 155 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/0:0,3,22:4 0/0:0,6,43:6 1/1:116,12,0:8 0/1:84,0,25:29 > 20 6754246 . G A 16.4 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,3,20:6 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/1:48,0,43:45 > 20 6755598 . T G 46 . . GT:PL:GQ > 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:78,9,0:10 > 20 6756217 . G A 14.2 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/0:0,3,38:7 0/0:0,3,38:7 0/0:0,0,0:4 0/1:47,0,26:34 > 20 6760431 . C A 36.8 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:68,6,0:6 > 20 6761512 . C T 104 . . GT:PL:GQ > 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:136,12,0:13 > 20 6762025 . G A 29.3 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/1:0,3,37:4 1/1:32,3,0:4 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:35,3,0:4 > 20 6765841 . A C 35.3 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/0:0,3,31:4 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:70,6,0:4 > 20 6767119 . G C 104 . . GT:PL:GQ > 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:136,12,0:13 > 20 6767354 . C T 24 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:54,0,111:55 > 20 6767543 . T C 14.2 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/0:0,3,31:7 0/0:0,3,32:7 0/0:0,0,0:4 0/1:47,0,22:30 > 20 6769102 . T TC 117 . . GT:PL:GQ > 1/1:0,0,0:6 1/1:40,3,0:9 1/1:40,3,0:9 1/1:80,6,0:11 > 20 6769533 . G A 21.4 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,6,64:6 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:57,6,0:3 > 20 6769676 . A G 27.2 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/0:0,3,32:5 0/0:0,3,34:5 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/1:64,6,0:3 > 20 6769714 . T C 63.2 . . GT:PL:GQ > 1/1:68,6,0:9 1/1:0,0,0:4 1/1:0,0,0:4 1/1:29,3,0:7 > 20 6769877 . T C 14.5 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/1:27,0,27:27 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,6,68:6 0/1:26,3,0:4 > 20 6769893 . C A 16.7 . . GT:PL:GQ > 0/0:0,3,38:5 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,6,63:8 0/1:54,6,0:4 > > _______________________________________________ > Bioconductor mailing list > > > Search the archives: > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Dear Vincent, You're right! The vcf was actually successfully read and created. So, problem solved, a user error. Older version of the package seems to give an error, though, and since I was running these in parallel, I mixed the two sessions. Sorry about that. - Jarno On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Vincent Carey <stvjc at=""""> wrote: > what you reported is a warning, not an error. did the object "vcf" get > created? > > On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 4:39 AM, Jarno Tuimala <jtuimala at=""""> wrote: >> >> Hello! >> >> I have a problem reading a VCF file with the VariantAnnotation >> package. The filtered VCF file (attached as text below) has been >> generated with vcftools. >> >> This is what I tried in R and the resulting error message: >> >> > library(VariantAnnotation) >> > vcf<-readVcf("vcftools.filtered.vcf", "hg19") >> >> Warning message: >> In doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) : >> record 1 (and others?) INFO '.' not found >> >> If I understood it correctely, the dots in the INFO column of the VCF >> file create the problem. >> >> Is there an alternative way to read this vcf file and annotate it with >> VariantAnnotation package? >> >> Best Regards, >> Jarno >> >> >> ---- >> >> This is the session info: >> >> R version 2.15.1 Patched (2012-07-25 r59963) >> Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) >> >> locale: >> [1] LC_COLLATE=Finnish_Finland.1252 LC_CTYPE=Finnish_Finland.1252 >> LC_MONETARY=Finnish_Finland.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C >> LC_TIME=Finnish_Finland.1252 >> >> attached base packages: >> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base >> >> other attached packages: >> [1] VariantAnnotation_1.4.3 Rsamtools_1.10.1 Biostrings_2.26.2 >> GenomicRanges_1.10.2 IRanges_1.16.3 >> BiocGenerics_0.4.0 >> >> loaded via a namespace (and not attached): >> [1] AnnotationDbi_1.20.2 Biobase_2.18.0 biomaRt_2.14.0 >> bitops_1.0-4.1 BSgenome_1.26.1 DBI_0.2-5 >> GenomicFeatures_1.10.0 parallel_2.15.1 >> [9] RCurl_1.95-1.1 RSQLite_0.11.2 rtracklayer_1.18.0 >> stats4_2.15.1 tools_2.15.1 XML_3.95-0.1 >> zlibbioc_1.4.0 >> >> >> And this is the VCF file: >> >> ##fileformat=VCFv4.1 >> ##samtoolsVersion=0.1.18 (r982:295) >> ##INFO=<id=dp,number=1,type=integer,description="raw read="" depth"=""> >> ##INFO=<id=dp4,number=4,type=integer,description="# high-quality="">> ref-forward bases, ref-reverse, alt-forward and alt-reverse bases"> >> ##INFO=<id=mq,number=1,type=integer,description="root-mean-square>> mapping quality of covering reads"> >> ##INFO=<id=fq,number=1,type=float,description="phred probability="" of="">> all samples being the same"> >> ##INFO=<id=af1,number=1,type=float,description="max-likelihood>> estimate of the first ALT allele frequency (assuming HWE)"> >> ##INFO=<id=ac1,number=1,type=float,description="max-likelihood>> estimate of the first ALT allele count (no HWE assumption)"> >> ##INFO=<id=g3,number=3,type=float,description="ml estimate="" of="" genotype="">> frequencies"> >> ##INFO=<id=hwe,number=1,type=float,description="chi^2 based="" hwe="" test="">> P-value based on G3"> >> ##INFO=<id=clr,number=1,type=integer,description="log ratio="" of="">> genotype likelihoods with and without the constraint"> >> ##INFO=<id=ugt,number=1,type=string,description="the most="" probable="">> unconstrained genotype configuration in the trio"> >> ##INFO=<id=cgt,number=1,type=string,description="the most="" probable="">> constrained genotype configuration in the trio"> >> ##INFO=<id=pv4,number=4,type=float,description="p-values for="" strand="">> bias, baseQ bias, mapQ bias and tail distance bias"> >> ##INFO=<id=indel,number=0,type=flag,description="indicates that="" the="">> variant is an INDEL."> >> ##INFO=<id=pc2,number=2,type=integer,description="phred probability="" of="">> the nonRef allele frequency in group1 samples being larger (,smaller) >> than in group2."> >> ##INFO=<id=pchi2,number=1,type=float,description="posterior weighted="">> chi^2 P-value for testing the association between group1 and group2 >> samples."> >> ##INFO=<id=qchi2,number=1,type=integer,description="phred scaled="" pchi2."=""> >> ##INFO=<id=pr,number=1,type=integer,description="# permutations="">> yielding a smaller PCHI2."> >> ##INFO=<id=vdb,number=1,type=float,description="variant distance="" bias"=""> >> ##FORMAT=<id=gt,number=1,type=string,description="genotype"> >> ##FORMAT=<id=gq,number=1,type=integer,description="genotype quality"=""> >> ##FORMAT=<id=gl,number=3,type=float,description="likelihoods for="">> RR,RA,AA genotypes (R=ref,A=alt)"> >> ##FORMAT=<id=dp,number=1,type=integer,description="# high-quality="" bases"=""> >> ##FORMAT=<id=sp,number=1,type=integer,description="phred-scaled strand="">> bias P-value"> >> ##FORMAT=<id=pl,number=g,type=integer,description="list of="">> Phred-scaled genotype likelihoods"> >> #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT >> HG00171 HG00174 NA18486 NA18489 >> 20 6731335 . T C 80.5 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:113,12,0:13 >> 20 6732603 . A T 25.7 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/0:0,6,54:8 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/1:58,0,27:35 >> 20 6736189 . A G 47.8 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:79,6,0:6 >> 20 6736562 . C A 20.4 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/0:0,0,0:4 0/0:0,0,0:4 0/1:53,0,32:40 0/0:0,9,98:11 >> 20 6737384 . A G 62 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:92,0,95:92 >> 20 6737551 . G A 26.3 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 1/1:30,3,0:4 0/1:0,3,40:4 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:34,3,0:4 >> 20 6738766 . T A 34.3 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,3,33:4 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:69,6,0:4 >> 20 6739398 . G A 64 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:96,9,0:10 >> 20 6740366 . C T 25.8 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:57,6,0:6 >> 20 6740850 . G A 34.4 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,6,59:6 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:70,6,0:3 >> 20 6743016 . T C 87.2 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,3,31:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:124,12,0:10 >> 20 6743306 . A C 39.8 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:71,6,0:6 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 >> 20 6746498 . C T 17.4 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,3,38:4 0/1:31,3,0:4 0/1:24,0,54:26 >> 20 6749158 . C A 18.3 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/0:0,3,29:8 0/0:0,3,32:8 0/1:53,0,30:40 0/0:0,21,159:25 >> 20 6749671 . A C 21.3 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/0:0,9,65:7 0/1:33,3,0:3 0/1:28,3,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 >> 20 6751034 . A G 999 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/0:0,24,189:19 0/1:33,0,141:38 1/1:255,105,0:99 1/1:255,66,0:65 >> 20 6751316 . A G 155 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/0:0,3,22:4 0/0:0,6,43:6 1/1:116,12,0:8 0/1:84,0,25:29 >> 20 6754246 . G A 16.4 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,3,20:6 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/1:48,0,43:45 >> 20 6755598 . T G 46 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:78,9,0:10 >> 20 6756217 . G A 14.2 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/0:0,3,38:7 0/0:0,3,38:7 0/0:0,0,0:4 0/1:47,0,26:34 >> 20 6760431 . C A 36.8 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:68,6,0:6 >> 20 6761512 . C T 104 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:136,12,0:13 >> 20 6762025 . G A 29.3 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/1:0,3,37:4 1/1:32,3,0:4 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:35,3,0:4 >> 20 6765841 . A C 35.3 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/0:0,3,31:4 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:70,6,0:4 >> 20 6767119 . G C 104 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:136,12,0:13 >> 20 6767354 . C T 24 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/1:54,0,111:55 >> 20 6767543 . T C 14.2 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/0:0,3,31:7 0/0:0,3,32:7 0/0:0,0,0:4 0/1:47,0,22:30 >> 20 6769102 . T TC 117 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 1/1:0,0,0:6 1/1:40,3,0:9 1/1:40,3,0:9 1/1:80,6,0:11 >> 20 6769533 . G A 21.4 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,6,64:6 0/1:0,0,0:3 1/1:57,6,0:3 >> 20 6769676 . A G 27.2 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/0:0,3,32:5 0/0:0,3,34:5 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/1:64,6,0:3 >> 20 6769714 . T C 63.2 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 1/1:68,6,0:9 1/1:0,0,0:4 1/1:0,0,0:4 1/1:29,3,0:7 >> 20 6769877 . T C 14.5 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/1:27,0,27:27 0/1:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,6,68:6 0/1:26,3,0:4 >> 20 6769893 . C A 16.7 . . GT:PL:GQ >> 0/0:0,3,38:5 0/0:0,0,0:3 0/0:0,6,63:8 0/1:54,6,0:4 >> >> _______________________________________________ >> Bioconductor mailing list >> Bioconductor at >> >> Search the archives: >> > >

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