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Emanuel Gonçalves
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear all,
For those interested in calling Bioconductor packages from Cytoscape
(to provide a user interface, link to other Cytoscape plug-ins, or to
enhance results visualization) we hereby present Cyrface.
Cyrface is a Cytoscape plug-in that establishes the connection between
R and Java. It's already being used by a couple of R packages in our
group, CellNOptR www.cellnopt.org) and DrugVsDisease (DvD) package
For more detailed information you can visit Cyrface webpage:
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any question.
Best regards,
Emanuel Gonçalves, PhD student
Saez-Rodriguez Group
EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK
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