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Vipin T Sreedharan
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi all!,
We are trying to run cellHTS2 sample dataset for dual channel screen
and it ended up with following error message:
Error in summarizeReplicates(xsc, summary = "mean") :
Currently this function is implemented only for single-color data.
>From the FAQ it seems like this is pointing to the step 2 but this is
not clear for us.
Currently this function is implemented only for single-color data.
Channel 2 was labeld to one of your files in step
The pseudo code we were trying as follows:
>>expName <- "DualChannelScreen"
>>datadir <- system.file("DualChannelScreen", package="cellHTS2")
>>x <- readPlateList("Platelist.txt", name=expName, path=datadir)
>>x <- configure(x, "Description.txt", "Plateconf.txt",
"Screenlog.txt", path=datadir)
>>xn = normalizePlates(x, scale="multiplicative", log=FALSE,
method="median", varianceAdjust="none")
>>xsc = scoreReplicates(xn, sign="-", method="zscore")
>>xsc = summarizeReplicates(xsc, summary="mean")
>>xsc = annotate(xsc, geneIDFile="GeneIDs.txt", path=datadir)
Hope someone can give more insight on this error message.
Many thanks in advance,
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