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Michael Salbaum
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear All,
I wonder if someone could point me towards some guidance using the
package 'sizepower'.
The archives have not netted much in this regard; the vignette was
very useful.
I'm doing a prospective power analysis for an array experiment with a
matched pair design.
I found the function power.matched(ERO, G0, absMu1, sigmaD, n) useful,
however, I have a few questions.
Two issues:
1. I don't have a good feel for the parameter ER0 - mean number of
false positives.
Of course I'd like it to be as low as possible, so I simply ran
scenarios with setting ER0 at numbers we'd be able to tolerate and
calculate power/sample size accordingly.
2. Pardon my ignorance, but I'm also struggling with parameter G0 -
anticipated number of genes in the experiment that are not
differentially expressed.
At the moment, I'm assuming G0=G i.e. number of gene (probes) tested.
Does G0 need to be based on the number of gene probes on the array
(~46,000)? Inspecting a similar paradigm on the same array platform on
GEO reveals that only about ~12,000 gene probes are consistently
detected. I'm aware that it doesn't make a huge difference (and almost
none in practical terms), but I'm curious.
I've left the parameter absMu1 at 1 (as I understand it, this
represents effect size, as fold change of at least 2).
My sigmaD parameter comes from a preliminary experiment: gene
expression by qPCR, standard deviation of the (log2) differences
between pairs.
Thanks for the help.
Cheers, michael
P.S. If I should be using a different package for the task at hand,
I'd like to hear such a recommendation as well - thanks.
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> library(sizepower)
> power.matched(1, 12000, 1, 0.731, 20)
[1] 0.9854905
[1] 37.42788
> power.matched(1, 46000, 1, 0.731, 20)
[1] 0.9693688
[1] 37.42788
J. Michael Salbaum, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Louisiana State University System
6400 Perkins Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
(225) 763-2782
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