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Wolfgang Huber
Last seen 17 days ago
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laborat…
Hi Emanuele,
marchiem@libero.it wrote:
> Hi Wolfgang,
> first of all thank you very much for your quick reply...
> we use gDNA as reference because our lab want to compare our data
with other labs which use the same design. We have data express in in
gDNA units...
> We normalize these data with Genespring using a globlal
normalization method that calculate the scaling factor from the 50th
percentile of genes.
So then why not use a global scaling to the median with bioconductor
well? There are options for that in the normalization procedures of
'marray' and 'limma' packages.
> ...but if I have a time course i don't think I can use these single
channels methods to normalize, am I wrong? If I don't consider the
reference channel I could confound a brighter array as a more
expressed...how can I distinguish that?
> sorry if I am too trivial and thanks again!
I am not sure I understand. It is the purpose of normalization methods
to correct for some arrays being more or less bright, and the ones
I mentioned do so. They rely on some assuptions:
- e.g. median normalization assumes that the median intensity for each
array should be the same
- e.g. vsn requires that there is a set of >50% of genes on the array
that are approximately not differentially expressed (in the non gDNA
- e.g. quantile normalization assumes that the true distribution of
intensities is the same on all arrays
Whether that holds for your data you need to check. I don't think it
anything to do with whether you're looking at a time series or
Best wishes
Wolfgang Huber
Division of Molecular Genome Analysis
German Cancer Research Center
Heidelberg, Germany
Phone: +49 6221 424709
Fax: +49 6221 42524709
Http: www.dkfz.de/abt0840/whuber