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adesh ashok
Last seen 10.4 years ago
hey all,
hi all,
i am trying to normalize ,segment and process gene expression data
using r
version 2.15.1
iam stuck at nomalization where in i have tried the following
> library(snapCGH)
>folder <- 'C:/man/'
>file <- sort (dir(folder))
>o <- order(as.numeric(sub( 'OC ', '', sub('.txt', '', file))))
>file <- file[o]
>data <- read.Agilent(fnames=file)
>p <- order(data@maGnames@maInfo$ProbeName)
>data <- data[p,]
>normData <- maNorm(data)
>normData@maLayout@maSub <- TRUE
>normData@maLayout@maNspots <- nrow(normData@maM)
>ma <- as(normData, 'MAList')
> ma <- readPositionalInfo(ma, source='agilent') ## this command
returned me this error
Error in readPositionalInfo(ma, source = "agilent") :
duplicate switch defaults: 'stop("Sour...' and ''
what does this mean and how to proceed after this???
i also made a cloneinfo.txt file in the following format
*Block Row Col Chr Position*
and saved in excel as txt file (tab delimitted). it also gave me an
error as
> source('cloneinfo.txt')
Error in source("cloneinfo.txt") : cloneinfo.txt:1:9: unexpected
1: Block Row
how shall i rectify it?
any help shall be greatly appreciated
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