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I want to calculate the distance between HumanMethylation450k probes
and their nearest TSS using refseq hg19 genes, in such a way that if
the probe is downstream from the TSS the distance will be assigned a
positive value, and if the probe is upstream from the TSS, the
distance will be assigned a negative value. The idea is that both
strands will be considered.
The distance is to be positive if the nearest TSS is either on the '+
strand and its coordinate is greater than the probe's, or of the
nearest TSS is on the '-' strand and its coordinate is smaller than
the probe's.
likewise, the distance is to be negative if the nearest TSS is on the
'+' strand and its coordinate is smaller than the probe's or on the
'-' strand and its coordinate is grater then the probe's.
It may be possible to do this with transcripts(), but unfortunately my
dat is not on TranscriptDb
<http:"" help="" library="" genomicfeatures="" help="" transcriptdb="">
Is there a way to this using the distanceToNearest method of GRanges?
Dolev Rahat
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