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Wolfgang Huber
Last seen 19 days ago
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laborat…
2 Bioinformaticians, 1 Biostatistician, 1 Computational Biologist
Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Staff Category: Staff Member
Contract Duration: 3 years
Grading: Commensurate with qualifications and experience
Closing Date: 23 September 2012
Reference number: HD_00270
Job Description
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is one of the highest
ranked scientific research organisations in the world. EMBL operates
from five sites across Europe, with the main laboratory in Heidelberg
(Germany) and further sites in Hinxton (UK), Grenoble (France),
(Germany) and Rome (Italy).
Four positions are open for service-oriented scientists with
working on computational analysis of biological data, and who are
interested in project organisation and management. The positions
extensive collaboration with scientists across EMBL. Their common
resposibilities include;
- providing advice and consultation on the use of computational tools
biological researchers
- developing and delivering training
- scientific programming and administration of revelant computer tools
- developing and maintaining online resources
Common requirements of the four positions include: a PhD or equivalent
experience in an appropriate field, excellent communication and
organisational skills including excellent written and spoken English,
programming skills, a desire and ability to work well within a team,
the ability to rapidly adapt to changing needs in a quickly evolving
research landscape.
Candidates are welcome to apply for more than one of these positions,
but should only submit one application, indicating in their covering
letter which positions they want to be considered for.
Brief descriptions of the four positions are given below. Follow the
links from each description to download a PDF with more detailed
information about each position.
1. Bioinformatician: Bio-IT Project
Providing bioinformatics consulting for EMBL scientists, and
and delivering training activities. Maintaining and developing a
web-based information and communication platform for computational
biology at EMBL Heidelberg, along with providing centralised
bioinformatics tools and databases, and contributing to planning and
logistics of community-related networking and other activities.
2. Bioinformatician: Centre for Biomolecular Network Analysis
Coordinating and delivering the activities of the centre in supporting
biological network integration, analysis and visualisation throughout
EMBL for both computational and experimental biologists. Will focus on
providing assistance and consultation to researchers, organising
creating and maintaining related web resources, and participating in
collaborative research projects.
3. Biostatistician: Centre for Statistical Data Analysis
Coordinating and delivering the activities of the centre in supporting
best use of statistical and computational methods in the analysis of
large-scale data, particularly from high-throughput sequencing. Will
focus on statistical consulting and training, while also maintaining
statistical software and engaging in collaborative research projects
with EMBL researchers.
4. Computational Biologist: Centre for Bio-Modelling
Coordinating and delivering the activities of the centre in supporting
best use of mathematical models of biological processes by EMBL
scientists. Will focus on engaging in collaborative research projects
with EMBL researchers, maintaining local versions of simulation tools
and software, and organising training and networking events.
Application Instructions
Please submit only one application for these positions, even if you
would like to be considered for more than one of the positions.
in your covering letter which of the positions you want to apply for;
you are applying for more than one position, then mention all of these
positions in the covering letter, for example by referring to the job
numbers described in the announcement i.e.:
1. Bioinformatician: Bio-IT Project
2. Bioinformatician: Centre for Biomolecular Network Analysis
3. Biostatistician: Centre for Statistical Data Analysis
4. Computational Biologist: Centre for Bio-Modelling
Interviews are planned for the 8th, 9th and 10th of October 2012.
Please apply online through www.embl.org/jobs
Additional Information
EMBL is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer offering attractive
conditions and benefits appropriate to an international research
Please note that appointments on fixed term contracts can be renewed,
depending on circumstances at the time of the review.
See also:
Best wishes
Wolfgang Huber