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Luckey, John
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I posted a similar question last week and received some help with this
problem, but I am still a bit unclear on the best way to proceed- any
insights would be greatly appreciated.
I want to identify a set of genes that are co-regulated with a given
phenotype that is observed across various tissue types -to ID the
'signature' that corresponds to the phenotype regardless of tissue-
Here is the simplest set up: (all data is affymetrix and has been pre-
processed/normalized by rma)
Tissue type A has 3 conditions: 1A, 2A, 3A
Type B has 4 conditions: 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B
My phenotype of interest is observed only in 1A and 1B.
I am interested in knowing what is common (both up and down regulated)
between 1A (relative only to 2A and 3A) and 1B (relative to 2B, 3B,
and 4B). I have varying numbers of replicates per condition (2-5).
I have done unsupervised clustering using all genes, and 1A and 1B
don't cluster together (not really surprising since they are quite
different in many respects , I am interested only in their overlapping
phenotypes). I am not entirely sure how best to proceed.
I have used straight fold change to ID unique genes in 1A vs 2A and 1A
vs 3A. I then select those genes up (or down) in 1A in both
comparisons. I then look at how the ?1A specific? genes are expressed
in 1B vs all other B's- and there is a general positive skewing- but
the concern is where to draw cutoffs- how to estimate FDR, etc in such
a comparison. Basically, how does one go about saying that the skewing
in a different comparison of a subset of genes is significant?
Any insights you might have would be appreciated.
John Luckey, MD PhD
Clinical Pathology Resident - Brigham and Womens Hospital
Post Doctoral Fellow - Mathis - Benoist Lab
Joslin Diabetes Center
One Joslin Place, Rm. 474
Boston, MA 02215