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rakesh sharma
Last seen 10.5 years ago
i am new on R language and dealing with light-cycler qpcr data using
HtqPCR package.everything goes all right till fold change.
when i use t-test then following error occured.
> qDE.ttest <- ttestCtData(sr.norm[, 1:2], groups =
calibrator = "Control")
Error in t.test.default(x[, g1], x[, g2], alternative = alternative,
= paired, :
data are essentially constant
when i select 4 samples then
qDE.ttest <- ttestCtData(sr.norm[, 1:4], groups =
calibrator = "Control")
Error in ttestCtData(sr.norm[, 1:4], groups = files$Treatment[1:4],
calibrator = "Control") :
error:: Two factor levels required for 'groups'
my parent file look like this
File Treatment
control.txt Control
30min.txt 30min
2hr.txt 2hr
4hr.txt 4hr
8hr.txt 8hr
12hr.txt 12hr
16hr.txt 16hr
24hr.txt 24hr
48hr.txt 48hr
if i change name as following
File Treatment
cnt.txt Control
30min.txt Treatment
2hr.txt Treatment
4hr.txt Treatment
8hr.txt Treatment
12hr.txt Treatment
16hr.txt Treatment
24hr.txt Treatment
48hr.txt Treatment
then it works
qDE.ttest <- ttestCtData(sr.norm[, 1:4], groups =
calibrator = "Control")
what to do bcz my samples have no replicate and groups consist of only
sample not 4 as in example file.
every sample have 26 features(13 replicate)
so how i perform t- test on these data.
please sir help me out.
thanking you.
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