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Gilbert Feng
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I am using reactome.db for over-representive enrichment test, so I
wonder how I can get the total gene number for a given species in
reactome.db. For example, how many human genes (unique Entrez Ids) are
annotated in reactome.db? Is there any simple way to get this number
besides counting the shared genes between the annotated genes from
"reactomeEXTID2PATHID" and records from "org.Hs.egUNIGENE2EG"? Or
retrieve pathways for human in reactome.db, then count the annotated
unique genes. Any comment?
I know there is a Reactome Statistics webpage for some species at the
Reactome official website, but reactome.db is only updated twice each
year, not everyday. I guess the numbers are not accurate for
reactome.db .
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