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My apologies for multiple posting if it happens-- I sent the last
from other accounts which may not be registered with Bioc-list
Two questions:
1. Is readGapppedAlignmentPairs - the most efficient way to read a
paired-end bam file with mulit-mapped reads?
I am asking as it takes an enormous amount of time to process and
2. How does one work with coverage on GappedAlignmentPairs in the
of RNASeq?
The simplest way is to consider each left and right read as separate -
essentially loose the "paired" information and calculate coverage.
However, if both the left and right pair reads fall within a feature
interest - say an exon, does it imply coverage of the region of the
between the reads too
In the figure above, the exon is represented by ">" and L and R
the left and right reads aligned to the exon.
I am talking about the region represented by "^". Do we assume
for this region too?
Does Coverage on GappedAlignmentPairs do this?
Center for Neuroscience Research
Tufts Univeristy School of Medicine
Boston, MA
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