Follow the next commands:
setEvidenceLevel(evidences="all", organism=org.Sc.sgdORGANISM, gomap=org.Sc.sgdGO)
setOntology("BP", loadIC=FALSE)
calcICs(DIR="~/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.3/GOSim/data") # change DIR accordingly otherwise is save in the current directory
# Upload the ICs files
setOntology("BP", DIR="~/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.3/GOSim/data")
The gene IDs will depend on the database that you used when calling setEvidenceLevel. For the org.Sc.sgdGO, this is the systematic names. One way to know is by typing:
head(get("gomap", envir=GOSimEnv))
So to get the GO information or Gene Similarity use systematic IDs. For example:
getGeneSim(c("HRA1", "ICR1"))
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