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Juan Fernández Tajes
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear Bioconductor subcribers:
First of all, I apologize for using a old-resolved bioconductor´s thr
" Dear list, > > I am quite new to R as well as to microarray
analysis. > I am dealing with some gene expression analysis performed
on Affymetrix Human > Gene 1.0ST microarray. > > So far, I have learnt
how to filtrate data using genefilter using nsFilter > functions. > >
Now, I would like to know how to filter out from the expressionset
object all > the control probesets (~4000) that Affymetrix includes in
the microarray (for > quality assay, normalization, background
correction, etc.). However, none of > the aforementioned functions
worked for me. > > How can I recognize those probesets and remove
them? I would like to filter > them out before statistical analysis
with limma package."
I have been having the same problem when using oligo to analyze the
data. It so happens that when I try to filter control probe IDs with
nsfilter it doesn´t work properly. Do you know anyway to get around
this problem?
Many thanks in advance
Juan Fernandez Tajes, ph. D
Departamento de BiologÃa Celular y Molecular
Facultad de Ciencias-Universidade da Coruña
Tlf. +34 981 167000 ext 2030
e-mail: jfernandezt@udc.es
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