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Anthony Bosco
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I actually want to compare lists of gene names (not expression data)
using venn diagram tools.
For example if I have a cell line and stimulate with several
different treatments I want to know which genes are differentially
expressed in all treatments or only some of the treatments.
I would also like to look at this graphically to get an overview of
which treatments are more similar.
I realise that heatmap functions etc would show
similarities/differences b/w treatments but in this particular case I
want to use venn diagrams.
Anthony Bosco - PhD Student
Institute for Child Health Research
(Company Limited by Guarantee ACN 009 278 755)
Subiaco, Western Australia, 6008
Ph 61 8 9489 , Fax 61 8 9489 7700
email anthonyb@ichr.uwa.edu.au