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Paul Shannon
Last seen 10.3 years ago
(Getting this conversation back on the list)
Gabriele Sales predicts the fix for the problem reported by Hamid will
be in devel before long.
- Paul
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Gabriele Sales <gabriele.sales at="" unipd.it="">
> Subject: Re: Fwd: [BioC] edge-less pathways in graphite
> Date: April 26, 2012 1:41:56 AM PDT
> To: Paul Shannon <pshannon at="" fhcrc.org="">
> Dear Paul,
> we have checked this pathway and, in fact, we have found a problem.
> Our conversion software emits the following error:
> [ERROR] in pathway "path:hsa04012": a relation references element 54
> that is either undefined or belongs to an invalid type
> This kind of error is severe enough that any further activity on the
> pathway topology is aborted. The results is that no edge is emitted.
> Genes (i.e. nodes) are processed in an independent step, so they
> appear in the final graph.
> Let's now turn our attention to the original cause of this problem.
> relation blocking the conversion is the following:
> <relation entry1="58" entry2="59" type="PPrel">
> <subtype name="compound" value="54"/>
> </relation>
> Node 54 is defined like this:
> <entry id="54" name="path:hsa05214" type="map"> link="http://www.kegg.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?hsa05214">
> <graphics name="Glioma" fgcolor="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> type="roundrectangle" x="927" y="641" width="102"
> </entry>
> As you can see it represents a pathway, but according to the
> above it should be a compound.
> Looking at the pathway image, the relation corresponds to the chain:
> PI3K -> PIP3 -> PKB/Akt
> Therefore, it seems like that the middle node (PIP3) should really
> node 55.
> <entry id="55" name="cpd:C05981" type="compound"> link="http://www.kegg.jp/dbget-bin/www_bget?C05981">
> <graphics name="C05981" fgcolor="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> type="circle" x="385" y="649" width="8" height="8"/>
> </entry>
> This error shows that our conversion is somewhat too rigid. It
should be
> able to cope with this kind of problems by discarding the (single)
> rather than giving up completely. We are aware of this limitation
and we
> are already working on something better for the next graphite
> Best,
> g