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Hi all,
I am trying to analyze Nimblegen Human 2.1 M Deluxe Promoter array
using Charm package. My problem is, when I try to import the xys data,
program needs the platform design file, as usual, tries to download
BioConductor website but prompts out this error and stops.
Loading required package: pd.100929.hg19.deluxe.prom.meth.hx1
Attempting to obtain 'pd.100929.hg19.deluxe.prom.meth.hx1' from
BioConductor website.
Checking to see if your internet connection works...
Package 'pd.100929.hg19.deluxe.prom.meth.hx1' was not found in the
BioConductor repository.
The 'pdInfoBuilder' package can often be used in situations like this.
So I tried the pdInfoBuilder package to solve my problem. But it also
didn't work. Here is what I do and the errors I get:
I took the code from this address and modified for myself:
ndf <- list.files(pattern = ".ndf", full.names = TRUE)
pos <- list.files(pattern = ".pos", full.names = TRUE)
xys <- list.files(pattern = ".xys", full.names = TRUE)[1]
seed <- new("NgsTilingPDInfoPkgSeed",
ndfFile = ndf, xysFile = xys,
posFile = pos,
author = "Martin Aryee",
version = "0.99.0",
email = "myemail@jhu.edu",
biocViews = "AnnotationData",
genomebuild = "HG 18", organism = "Human",
species = "Homo sapiens")
makePdInfoPackage(seed, destDir = ".")
*After the code worked for 2 hours, I got these errors:*
Building annotation package for Nimblegen Tiling Array
NDF: 100929_HG19_Deluxe_Prom_Meth_HX1.ndf
POS: 100929_HG19_Deluxe_Prom_Meth_HX1.pos
XYS: 503534_532.xys
Parsing file: 100929_HG19_Deluxe_Prom_Meth_HX1.ndf... OK
Parsing file: 100929_HG19_Deluxe_Prom_Meth_HX1.pos... OK
Merging NDF and POS files... OK
Parsing file: 503534_532.xys... OK
Creating package in ./pd.100929.hg19.deluxe.prom.meth.hx1
Inserting 30291 rows into table featureSet... OK
Inserting 0 rows into table pmfeature... Error in
sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, bind.data) :
bind.data must have non-zero dimensions
I really can't figure out what the problem is. Can anybody offer any
Thank you in advance! :)
Zeynep Ozkeserli
Ankara University Biotechnology Institute
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