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Paul Shannon
Last seen 10.5 years ago
(redirecting this back to the Bioc list?)
Hi Nooshin,
The 'bulk' approach is not quite so ready as I predicted. I might
have something by the end of the week.
As for mapping between PWMs and TFs, I have most often done this with
'tom-tom' from the meme website.
But I just discovered what looks like a good -- maybe better --
approach: the Bioconductor MotIV package, which includes a 2010
version of jasper.
Try this:
biocLite ('MotIV')
library (MotIV);
browseVignettes ('MotIV')
The jaspar data in this package has 130 TF-PWM mappings, which appear
to be human. More must be known, and publicly available. The JASPAR
website has a 'JASPAR CORE Plantae' data set that
- is probably what you are interested in
- might be downloadable, and convertible to the form MotIV wants.
Perhaps other readers of the list have other suggestions.
If you have any questions on this, please include 'BioC' in your
reply, so that we can all get better at this!
- Paul
On Apr 23, 2012, at 6:53 AM, nooshin wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Many thanks for your comprehensive information and code!
> I have a question regarding to extract of PWMs. How and where I can
download these matrices for all TFs that PWM is available for them? I
need it only for Arabidopsis thaliana.
> Is there any package in R which I can give the TF and receive the
PWM for it? Or any online database which I can download from it? I
have a big problem since Friday to find out these matrices for
different TFs of A.th. That would be so great if you can help me to
get these matrices.
>> If you want to do this in bulk, Herve' has some lovely code to make
that efficient.
> Also can I have this? :)
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Best regards,
> Nooshin