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I'm having trouble exporting a real-sized BigWig file. It is of hg18
with a score every 20 bases on the 25 real chromosomes. It was created
from reading in two different BigWig files, then subtracting their
scores :
score(bws[[1]]) <- score(bws[[2]]) - score(bws[[1]])
export.bw(bws[[1]], filename, "bedGraph", seqlengths(Hsapiens)[1:25])
After some minutes, I get the error message
Error: serialization is too large to store in a raw vector
I also tried "auto" for dataFormat. If importing then exporting a
single BigWig without any modifications to its data, the code works.
What is a better technique ?
Dario Strbenac
Research Assistant
Cancer Epigenetics
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Darlinghurst NSW 2010