Volcano plot
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saikouy bah ▴ 30
Last seen 9.8 years ago
Dear All,am new to R and DESeq, I am analysing some differentially expressed gene in N. crassa using next generation sequencing. I got the differentially express gene and I now want to draw a volcano plot for graphical view of my significantly express genes. Can someone please explain to me how to write the code for this, I am not a very good programmer.Kind regards,Saikou [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Sequencing DESeq Sequencing DESeq • 1.8k views
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Last seen 8 days ago
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laborat…
Feb/27/12 3:16 PM, saikouy bah scripsit:: > > Dear All,am new to R and DESeq, I am analysing some differentially > expressed gene in N. crassa using next generation sequencing. I got > the differentially express gene and I now want to draw a volcano plot > for graphical view of my significantly express genes. Can someone > please explain to me how to write the code for this, I am not a very > good programmer.Kind regards,Saikou [[alternative HTML version > deleted]] Dear Saikou have a look at the package vignette, which shows example code for this task. Best wishes Wolfgang Wolfgang Huber EMBL http://www.embl.de/research/units/genome_biology/huber

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