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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hello Bioconductor list server,
I am working on a microarray experiment comparing a control to a
treatment and the effects on cells. I have the results from my current
experiment and from a past experiment using the same microarrays but a
different treatment. I have already set up the workflow for both
experiments. I find the significant genes using topTable.
> results = topTable(fit2, coef="control-treatment",
adjust.method="fdr", lfc=2)
> trimmed_results = results_v4c4[results_v4c4[,5]<0.05,]
I would like to find if the there are similar results from the past
experiment to the new experiment. I would like to say in the paper:
treatment A had similar transcripts in treatment B indicating similar
mechanism between the two treatments or (if there are no similar
transcripts) the two treatments do not use the the same mechanism. I
would then like to find the transcripts similar in both results and
pull out the transcripts with the log fold change and p-values for
both results. The log fold changes and p-values can be different
between the to experiments. What would be the best method for
accomplishing this task?
I have read the answers similar to my question on the list server. The
main conclusion is to do the contrasts during the matrix design. I ran
the contrasts and compared the results to the different experiments'
Result from the contrasts:
ID logFC AveExpr t
P.Value adj.P.Val
49667 240417_at -2.392707 3.715039 -5.967782 0.0002286033
24271 214975_s_at 2.720147 4.163144 5.574570 0.0003717616
The first ID is only found to be significant in one of the
experiments. The second ID is found in both experiments, but in on the
logFC is up regulated and the other is down regulated. I went through
10 Ids and fond the similar results to all of them. How would I
explain the discrepancies between the two experiments using contrasts?
I have tried using > intersect(old_results, new_results), but I do not
get any results back. I know there are at lest two transcripts found
in both results, but I do not what to search all of the results.
Thank you for your time and energy,
Andrew Block
Nebraska Center of Virology
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
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