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Pepijn Kooij
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear all
My name is Pepijn Kooij, PhD student at the Centre for Social
Evolution, Copenhagen University.
I was grateful to find the ReadqPCR and NormqPCR packages to analyze
my rt-qPCR data. I managed to use both packages, loading in my data
and normalizing it. In the end using the deltaDeltaCt() function I am
able to retrieve the table with all the data I need.
My question now is, is there a way or package to go further from this?
As in, I am interested to see which of the genes have a foldchange
above a threshhold of 1, is there a way to see that?
And, is it possible to plot the 2^ââCt values in a bargraph with
SD's or SE's?
I hope you can help me out with this,
Best regards
Pepijn Kooij
Pepijn Kooij, PhD student
Centre for Social Evolution, Department of Biology
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 15, bygning 12
2100 Copenhagen Ã
Tel: (+45) 35 32 13 41
Email: pkooij@bio.ku.dk
CSE website: http://www.bi.ku.dk/cse
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