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Andrea Grilli
Last seen 9.8 years ago
Italy, Bologna, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Ins…
Dear BioC list,
I'm analyzing Agilent miRNa one color arrays in 3 cell lines using
AgiMicroRna package (more in detail, it's a time course experiment
with 2/3 time points, each in replicate for each cell line, for a
total of 16 samples). I normalized with RMA and used linear models as
suggested in the manual of the package, getting my "list of d.e. miRs"
at each time point.
Same data were previously normalized with Genespring and, because of
the different normalization, this result has poor overlap with mine.
My doubt is not related to the different miRs d.e., but mainly to the
fact that in my case I have modest modulations (about 1.5-2.5 Fold
change of absolute values), instead in the second case there are
changes up to 90 FCs.
You can see an image that can clarify the situation at:
Genespring normalization on the left, RMa normalization on the right.
With RMA normalization samples show a clear, more uniform, spread, but
they are really squeezed on the bottom, so the smaller fold changes.
Could be that RMA normalization had "stretch" too much the data?
Can I support RMA approach in some way to say that could be "better"
than the other using not only this image (or maybe the other is more