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Yuan Tian
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I'm using limma package to do differential expression analysis on a
microarray data. May I know how the logFC is computed in the package?
I start the analysis with a normalized, log2 transformed dataset and a
matrix indicate the case and groups as
fit<- lmFit((normalized,log2transformed data), design).
cont.matrix<- makeContrasts(..., levels=design)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, cont.matrix)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
result= topTable(fit2, adjust="BH", number=nrow(data))
A number of summary statistics are presented by topTable() for the top
genes and the selected contrast. I manually compute the logFC for the
2 groups: G1mean=rowMeans(2^(normalized,log2transformed data in
group1)), G2mean=rowMeans(2^(normalized,log2transformed data in
group2)), FC=G2mean/G1mean, log2(FC).
The log2(FC) is not consistent with the one in the summary statistics
output by topTable()...
Does the calculation of logFC depend on the variance?
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