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Last seen 10.1 years ago
Hi, I am trying to upload TCGA level1 methylation data from 27k. I've tried to follow instructions for Glioblastoma example as well but I had a problem with installation of TCGAGBM package so I was not able see the format of the files of the example data. I've tried different versions of the following script but at some point (I think from the point I indicated) it does not work properly. I would be very grateful for help. Best wishes, Magdalena homedir="D:/TCGA Methylation Analysis/DATA/KIRC/LEVEL 1/Pairs_HumanMethylation27" dirs=list.files(homedir) batchNames=gsub("jhu-usc.edu_KIRC.HumanMethylation27.","",dirs) tmp=sapply(strsplit(batchNames,"\\."),function(x) as.numeric(x[1:2])) files=vector("list",length(dirs)) ngenes=27578 for(i in seq(along=dirs)){ tmpPath=file.path(homedir,dirs[i]) fns=list.files(tmpPath) files[[i]]=fns[grep("lvl-1",fns)] } nfiles=sapply(files,length) starts=c(0,cumsum(nfiles[-length(nfiles)])) * ### FROM HERE SOMETHING DOESN'T WORK* # b = tmp$Methylated_Signal_Intensity..M./ (tmp$Methylated_Signal_Intensity..M. + tmp$Un.Methylated_Signal_Intensity..U.+100) # betas=matrix(b,nrow=ngenes,ncol=sum(nfiles)) betas=matrix(NA,nrow=ngenes,ncol=sum(nfiles)) cnames=vector("character",sum(nfiles)) batch=factor(rep(seq(along=files),nfiles)) for(i in seq(along=dirs)){ cat(i) tmpPath=file.path(homedir,dirs[i]) fns=files[[i]] for(j in seq(along=fns)){ cat(".") ###Get the sample name tmp=strsplit(readLines(file.path(tmpPath,fns[j]),n=1),"\t") cnames[ j+starts[i] ]=tmp[[1]][2] ##Get the Beta values tmp=read.delim(file.path(tmpPath,fns[j]),skip=1,check.names=FALSE,as.i s =TRUE) b= betaIndex=grep("[bB]eta",names(tmp)) ##the column name change!! betas[,j+starts[i]]=tmp[,betaIndex] ###Check "gene" names in same order if(i==1 & j==1) gnames=tmp[,"CompositeElement REF"] else if(!identical(gnames,tmp[,"CompositeElement REF"])) stop("Genes not in order") } cat("\n") } colnames(betas)=cnames rownames(betas)=gnames save(betas,batch,batchNames,file="betas.rda") [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Entering edit mode
Last seen 6 weeks ago
United States
Hi, Magdalena. You may want to take a look at using the methylumi package rather than your script below. Sean On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 12:25 PM, Magdalena Wozniak <> wrote: > Hi, > > I am trying to upload TCGA level1 methylation data from 27k. I've tried to > follow instructions for Glioblastoma example as well but I had a problem > with installation of TCGAGBM package so I was not able see the format of > the files of the example data. I've tried different versions of the > following script but at some point (I think from the point I indicated) it > does not work properly. I would be very grateful for help. > > Best wishes, > Magdalena > > > homedir="D:/TCGA Methylation Analysis/DATA/KIRC/LEVEL > 1/Pairs_HumanMethylation27" > dirs=list.files(homedir) > batchNames=gsub("jhu-usc.edu_KIRC.HumanMethylation27.","",dirs) > tmp=sapply(strsplit(batchNames,"\\."),function(x) as.numeric(x[1:2])) > > files=vector("list",length(dirs)) > ngenes=27578 > for(i in seq(along=dirs)){ > tmpPath=file.path(homedir,dirs[i]) > fns=list.files(tmpPath) > files[[i]]=fns[grep("lvl-1",fns)] > } > > nfiles=sapply(files,length) > starts=c(0,cumsum(nfiles[-length(nfiles)])) > * > ### FROM HERE SOMETHING DOESN'T WORK* > # b = tmp$Methylated_Signal_Intensity..M./ > (tmp$Methylated_Signal_Intensity..M. > + tmp$Un.Methylated_Signal_Intensity..U.+100) > # betas=matrix(b,nrow=ngenes,ncol=sum(nfiles)) > betas=matrix(NA,nrow=ngenes,ncol=sum(nfiles)) > cnames=vector("character",sum(nfiles)) > batch=factor(rep(seq(along=files),nfiles)) > for(i in seq(along=dirs)){ > cat(i) > tmpPath=file.path(homedir,dirs[i]) > fns=files[[i]] > for(j in seq(along=fns)){ > cat(".") > > ###Get the sample name > tmp=strsplit(readLines(file.path(tmpPath,fns[j]),n=1),"\t") > cnames[ j+starts[i] ]=tmp[[1]][2] > > ##Get the Beta values > tmp=read.delim(file.path(tmpPath,fns[j]),skip=1,check.names=FALSE,as .is > =TRUE) > b= > betaIndex=grep("[bB]eta",names(tmp)) ##the column name change!! > betas[,j+starts[i]]=tmp[,betaIndex] > > ###Check "gene" names in same order > if(i==1 & j==1) gnames=tmp[,"CompositeElement REF"] else > if(!identical(gnames,tmp[,"CompositeElement REF"])) stop("Genes not in > order") > } > cat("\n") > } > colnames(betas)=cnames > rownames(betas)=gnames > > save(betas,batch,batchNames,file="betas.rda") > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]] > > _______________________________________________ > Bioconductor mailing list > > > Search the archives: > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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