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Lizhe Xu
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I have recently started to use bioconduct to analyze a time course
study with U133A and B, which has 7 time points including time zero
(T0). Each time point has three replicates and every one is compared
to T0.
With R 1.8.1 and affy package 1.3.28, I tested gcrma, rma, Li-Wong
algorithm (PM only, subtractMM) and MAS (mas5).
After importing the normalized data into GeneSpring, I did two further
normalization method for each data set (rma and gcrma data was
transferred to linear scale first): (A) per gene normalized to T0 mean
only (B) per chip normalization to median followed by per gene to T0,
since one GS tech support person told me to do the per-chip
normalization in GS and also I was told no further per chip
normalization needed from Bioconductor user group. I used the
following step to filter the significant changing genes: filter by
call flag; by control signal (GeneSpring feature, no effect on rma and
gcrma data set); t-test and ANOVA.
The results were quite different: from 46 (Li-Wong PMonly (A)) to 232
(MAS(B)). But I did find the following results, for which I need some
comments and suggestions.
(1) except gcrma and rma, for a given data set, (B) method generated
more genes than (A) with a maximum close to 3 times different in MAS;
(2) gcrma and Li-Wong subtractMM algorithm generated two to three
times more genes than rma and Li-Wong PM only;
(3) I did a condition tree (a clustering analysis on time condition,
not for gene) with different similarity measurements (standard,
smooth, change, pearson, spearman, distance correlation) using their
own gene lists and own data for each method. Surprisedly, MAS(B) give
the better results: the clustering samples matches with the time
course sampling order, followed by MAS(A), gcrma(B), Li-Wong
PMonly(B), etc.
Generally, (B) give better condition tree than (A) (except Li-Wong
Any comments and suggestions are appreciated
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