GenomeGraphs plots: polygon tracks for sequencing coverage data
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Samuel Wuest ▴ 330
Last seen 9.8 years ago
Hi, I think the GenomeGraphs package is very handy to visualize genomics data; however, I am trying to find a way to represent sequencing coverage (e.g. ChipSeq) as polygon, as seen for example in the GBrowse- visualizations. I have used the makeBaseTrack-function to visualize per-base coverage, and set the dp=DisplayPars(type="l) to represent coverage as a line. However, for better visualization (especially for Figures containing several genome plots), I prefer to have represent the coverage track as polygon... The possible values that the display parameters for a BaseTrack-object are not described in the help section, but I figured that there is a "p" (points) and an "l" (line) option. Maybe there is a "polygon"-option? Otherwise, are there alternatives, e.g. a different GenomeGraphs-class that I could use? (besides adding viewports manually into existing plots, which could be done but is not very userfriendly, I guess)... Thanks for any help on this issue. Best wishes, Sam p.s. I am using GenomeGraphs_1.12.0 on R Version 2.13.0 (Mac version). ------------------------------------------------------ Samuel Wuest Smurfit Institute of Genetics Trinity College Dublin Dublin 2, Ireland Phone: +353-1-896 2444 Web: Email: ------------------------------------------------------ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Sequencing Coverage Visualization GenomeGraphs Sequencing Coverage Visualization • 1.2k views

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