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Stiles, David NIH/NIDDK
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear Bioconductor Support Group,
I'm currently trying to run GCRMA on a set of old Hu6800
CEL files and keep getting is strange error: "Error in get(x, envir,
inherits) : variable "hu6800probe" was not found". If anyone has any
suggestions on how I can fix this problem just send me an email or
post a
reply to this message board. I have downloaded and installed all
packages and I am using the alpha build of version 1.9.0 of RGui for
Windows. If you need additional information just let me know. Thank
you in
advance for helping me with this problem.
Yours truly,
David Stiles
NIH/NIDDK Microarray Core Facility
Phone: (301) 496-0175
Fax: (301) 480-0855?