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Kurinji Pandiyan
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear All,
I am using package gplots - heatmap.2 - function to plot some data. I
really appreciate your help customizing my heatmap in terms of -
1. *adjusting color range on heatmap.2* - I am using color "greenred"
would like this to consistently range from 0-1. Because one of my
does not have values ranging all the way to one, the color scale has
adjusted from 0-0.5, with red being 0.5. This is confusing as it is
consistent with all the other heatmaps where red indicates a value of
1. I
would like to change the range of the color scale to always be the
regardless of dataset - always 0 being green and red being 1, with a
gradation of black in between (which greenred does by default anyway)
2. *obtaining a legend for RowSideColors* - I am also trying to use a
specific column of my dataframe, which has 6 different levels of
to plot RowSideColors - I was able to do this:
x <http: hct.delta.body.ma=""/> <- y[,c(3,9:10)] # 3 is the column with
levels of interest - for coloring - and is labeled "USCS"
z <http: hct.delta.ma=""/>.ma <- as.matrix(y[,9:10])
mycol <- c("red", "green", "blue", "purple", "yellow", "black")
heatmap.2z.ma <http: hct.delta.ma=""/>, col=greenred, scale = "none",
trace="none",keysize = 1.5, main = list("Accessibility Plot", cex =
margins = c(5,5), cexCol = 1, Rowv = "NULL",
x <http: hct.delta.body.ma=""/>$USCS)])
This worked well - only issue is, I am not sure how it picked which
color to
which value. I was eventually able to figure it out with a small
sample set
but it will be nice to not have to figure it out and to just use code
produce a legend with color and level name. Please let me know how to
produce a legend with the colors used for RowSideColors.
I would greatly appreciate someone's input.
Graduate Student
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