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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hello BioConductor world,
I am doing a time course study using Affymetrix microarrays. I have
three time points (0, 4, and 6 hours) and a control and treatment.
There is no treatment at 0 hours because the genes would be the same.
I am able to get the significant transcripts, but I can not create the
heat maps I want. I have searched the literature and the internet and
have not found what I was looking for. I would like two heat maps:
one for the controls versus treatments for the different time points
(two columns or groups, 4 and 6 hr) and the second heat map comparing
the different times (three columns or groups, 0 to 4 and 6 hr and 4 to
6 hr). What would be the best way to do this? Is there a way to
combine the the results from the different microarrays in the same
control or treatment to form one column instead of the multiple
columns? Looking at other heat maps, I could not find an example of
the combined columns. I have about 200 different transcripts for the
the controls versus treatments for the different time. Is there a way
to select the number of genes in the heat map. I may be think about
the heat maps wrong, so if I am what is the best way to think about
heat maps and the code or instructions, for a new person, for the
right type of heat map.
Here is my code (control time [c0, c4, c6] or treatment time[t4,t6]):
targets = readTargets("time course.txt")
raw = ReadAffy(filenames=targets$FileName)
data = read.AnnotatedDataFrame("time course.txt", sep="", fill=TRUE)
phenoData(raw) = data[sampleNames(raw),]
RMA = rma(raw)
lev = c("c0","c4","t4","c6","t6")
f = factor(data$Target, levels=lev)
design = model.matrix(~0+f)
colnames(design) = lev
fit = lmFit(RMA, design)
cont.wt = makeContrasts(
c0t4 = c0-(t4-c4),
c0t6 = c0-(t6-c6),
t4t6 = (t4-c4)-(t6-c6),
fit2 = contrasts.fit(fit, cont.wt)
fit2 = eBayes(fit2)
results = classifyTestsF(fit2, p.value=0.05)
Thank you in advance.
Andrew Block
Graduate Student
Nebraska Center of Virology
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
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